Kombinasi bronkodilator

Apa iku kombinasi Bronkodilator?

Kombinasi bronkodilator umume inhaler utawa piranti inhalasi, sing ngemot luwih saka siji bronkodilator, utawa bronkodilator lan steroid. Kombinasi bronkodilator kanthi luwih saka siji bronkodilator biasane kalebu bronkodilator akting cendhak lan bronkodilator long acting. Bronkodilator bisa digunakake kanthi mekanisme sing beda kanggo nggedhekake saluran udara, lan nggawe aliran udara luwih gampang. Kombinasi bronkodilator karo steroid lan bronkodilator tumindak luwih kaya nyegah. Steroid ngalangi respon inflamasi awak lan kanthi efektif ningkatake fungsi paru-paru lan nyuda gejala asma. Bronkodilator ing kombinasi iki umume tumindak dawa lan uga minangka pencegahan.

Dhaptar obat karo Kombinasi bronkodilator

Jeneng Obat
Aclidinium and formoterol
Generic name: Aclidinium And Formoterol
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair Diskus
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair Diskus 100/50
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair Diskus 250/50
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair Diskus 500/50
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair HFA
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair HFA 115/21
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair HFA 230/21
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Advair HFA 45/21
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
AirDuo Digihaler with eModule
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
AirDuo RespiClick
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Albuterol and ipratropium inhalation
Generic name: Albuterol And Ipratropium (inhalation)
Anoro Ellipta
Generic name: Umeclidinium And Vilanterol
Generic name: Albuterol And Ipratropium
Combivent Respimat
Generic name: Ipratropium And Albuterol
Combivent Respimat inhalation
Generic name: Albuterol And Ipratropium (inhalation)
Bevespi Aerosphere
Generic name: Formoterol And Glycopyrrolate
Breo Ellipta
Generic name: Fluticasone And Vilanterol
Breztri Aerosphere
Generic name: Budesonide, Glycopyrrolate, And Formoterol Fumarate
Budesonide and formoterol
Generic name: Budesonide And Formoterol
Budesonide and formoterol inhalation
Generic name: Budesonide And Formoterol (inhalation)
Budesonide, formoterol, and glycopyrrolate
Generic name: Budesonide, Formoterol, And Glycopyrrolate
Budesonide, glycopyrrolate, and formoterol
Generic name: Budesonide, Glycopyrrolate, And Formoterol
Duaklir Pressair
Generic name: Aclidinium And Formoterol
Generic name: Formoterol And Mometasone
Generic name: Albuterol And Ipratropium (inhalation)
Fluticasone and salmeterol
Generic name: Fluticasone And Salmeterol
Fluticasone and vilanterol
Generic name: Fluticasone And Vilanterol
Fluticasone, umeclidinium, and vilanterol
Generic name: Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, And Vilanterol
Formoterol and glycopyrrolate
Generic name: Formoterol And Glycopyrrolate
Formoterol and mometasone
Generic name: Formoterol And Mometasone
Glycopyrrolate and formoterol
Generic name: Glycopyrrolate And Formoterol
Indacaterol and glycopyrrolate
Generic name: Indacaterol And Glycopyrrolate
Ipratropium and albuterol
Generic name: Ipratropium And Albuterol
Mometasone and formoterol
Generic name: Mometasone And Formoterol
Olodaterol and tiotropium
Generic name: Olodaterol And Tiotropium
Stiolto Respimat
Generic name: Olodaterol And Tiotropium
Stiolto Respimat 10 ACT
Generic name: Olodaterol And Tiotropium
Stiolto Respimat 28 ACT
Generic name: Olodaterol And Tiotropium
Stiolto Respimat 60 ACT
Generic name: Olodaterol And Tiotropium
Generic name: Budesonide And Formoterol (inhalation)
Symbicort Aerosphere
Generic name: Budesonide And Formoterol
Tiotropium and olodaterol
Generic name: Tiotropium And Olodaterol
Trelegy Ellipta
Generic name: Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, And Vilanterol
Umeclidinium and vilanterol
Generic name: Umeclidinium And Vilanterol
Utibron Neohaler
Generic name: Glycopyrrolate And Indacaterol (inhalation)


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Ora ana bebaya kanggo kombinasi obat utawa obat sing diwenehake kanthi cara apa wae kudu ditafsirake kanggo nuduhake yen obat utawa kombinasi obat kasebut aman, efektif utawa cocok kanggo pasien tartamtu. Drugslib.com ora nanggung tanggung jawab kanggo aspek kesehatan apa wae sing ditindakake kanthi bantuan informasi sing diwenehake Drugslib.com. Informasi sing ana ing kene ora dimaksudake kanggo nyakup kabeh panggunaan, pituduh, pancegahan, bebaya, interaksi obat, reaksi alergi, utawa efek samping. Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon babagan obat sing sampeyan gunakake, takon dhokter, perawat utawa apoteker.

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