Aneka modifikasi koagulasi

Apa sing diarani Miscellaneous coagulation modifiers?

Miscellaneous coagulation modifiers yaiku macem-macem kelas obat, sing mengaruhi jalur utawa faktor koagulasi getih. Iki bisa nyegah pembekuan, ngrusak gumpalan, utawa nyebabake pembekuan.

Dhaptar obat karo Aneka modifikasi koagulasi

Jeneng Obat
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Adynovate recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Afstyla recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Anagrelide
Generic name: Antihemophilic And Von Willebrand Factor Complex
Alphanine SD
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Generic name:  Coagulation Factor IX (Recombinant), Fc Fusion Protein
Alprolix (Factor ix fc fusion protein recombinant Intravenous)
Generic name: Factor Ix Fc Fusion Protein Recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant), Fc-VWF-XTEN Fusion Protein-ehtl
Altuviiio (Antihemophilic factor (recombinant), fc-vwf-xten fusion protein-ehtl Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant), Fc-vwf-xten Fusion Protein-ehtl (an-tee-hee-moe-FIL-ik FAK-tor (ree-KOM-bi-nant) Fc-VWF-XTEN FUE-zhun PROE-teen - Ehtl)
Altuviiio (Antihemophilic factor Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Generic name: Aminocaproic Acid
Amicar (Aminocaproic acid Intravenous)
Generic name: Aminocaproic Acid
Amicar (Aminocaproic acid Oral)
Generic name: Aminocaproic Acid
Aminocaproic acid
Generic name: Aminocaproic Acid
Aminocaproic acid (Intravenous)
Generic name: Aminocaproic Acid
Aminocaproic acid (Oral)
Generic name: Aminocaproic Acid
Generic name: Anagrelide
Anti-inhibitor coagulant complex
Generic name: Anti-inhibitor Coagulant Complex
Antihemophilic and von Willebrand factor complex
Generic name: Antihemophilic And Von Willebrand Factor Complex
Antihemophilic factor
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Antihemophilic factor (recombinant) pegylated-aucl
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant) Pegylated-aucl
Antihemophilic factor (recombinant) porcine sequence
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant) Porcine Sequence (an-tye-hee-moe-FIL-ik FAK-tor (ree-KOM-bi-nant) POR-sine SEE-kwen-se)
Antihemophilic factor (recombinant), fc-vwf-xten fusion protein-ehtl
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant), Fc-vwf-xten Fusion Protein-ehtl (an-tee-hee-moe-FIL-ik FAK-tor (ree-KOM-bi-nant) Fc-VWF-XTEN FUE-zhun PROE-teen - Ehtl)
Antihemophilic factor (recombinant), glycopegylated-exei
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant), Glycopegylated-exei (an-tye-hee-moe-FIL-ik FAK-tor (re-KOM-bin-ant), Glye-koe-PEG-il-ay-ted-exei)
Antihemophilic factor human
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (human)
Antihemophilic factor recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Antihemophilic factor viii and von willebrand factor
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor Viii And Von Willebrand Factor
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Artiss Duo Set
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Artiss Duploject
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Autoplex T
Generic name: Anti-inhibitor Coagulant Complex
Generic name: Coagulation Factor X
Coagulation factor IX
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Coagulation factor ix recombinant
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Ix Recombinant
Coagulation factor ix recombinant, glycopegylated
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Ix Recombinant, Glycopegylated
Coagulation factor viia
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Viia
Coagulation factor VIIa injection
Generic name: Coagulation Factor VIIa (injection)
Coagulation factor viia-jncw
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Viia-jncw
Coagulation factor X
Generic name: Coagulation Factor X
Generic name: Factor XIII
Generic name: Tranexamic Acid (Cyklokapron)
Bebulin VH
Generic name: Factor IX Complex
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Benefix (Coagulation factor ix recombinant Intravenous)
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Ix Recombinant
Generic name: Protein C Concentrate (Human)
Generic name: Defibrotide
Generic name: Defibrotide
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Eloctate with Fc Fusion Protein recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Emicizumab
Generic name: Emicizumab-kxwh
Esperoct (Antihemophilic factor (recombinant), glycopegylated-exei Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant), Glycopegylated-exei (an-tye-hee-moe-FIL-ik FAK-tor (re-KOM-bin-ant), Glye-koe-PEG-il-ay-ted-exei)
Esperoct (Antihemophilic factor Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Esperoct recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Fibrinogen And Thrombin, Human
Factor ix albumin fusion protein recombinant
Generic name: Factor Ix Albumin Fusion Protein Recombinant
Factor IX complex
Generic name: Factor IX Complex
Factor ix fc fusion protein recombinant
Generic name: Factor Ix Fc Fusion Protein Recombinant
Factor x human
Generic name: Factor X Human
Factor XIII
Generic name: Factor XIII
Feiba VH Immuno
Generic name: Anti-inhibitor Coagulant Complex
Generic name: Anti-inhibitor Coagulant Complex
Fibrin sealant topical
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Generic name: Fibrinogen
Fibrinogen and thrombin, human
Generic name: Fibrinogen And Thrombin, Human
Fibrinogen/aprotinin and thrombin/calcium chloride
Generic name: Fibrinogen/aprotinin And Thrombin/calcium Chloride
Generic name: Fostamatinib
Fostamatinib disodium
Generic name: Fostamatinib Disodium
Helixate FS
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Helixate FS recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Emicizumab
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Hemofil-M human
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (human)
Generic name: Antihemophilic And Von Willebrand Factor Complex
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Idelvion (Factor ix albumin fusion protein recombinant Intravenous)
Generic name: Factor Ix Albumin Fusion Protein Recombinant
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Ixinity (Coagulation factor ix recombinant Intravenous)
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Ix Recombinant
Jivi (Antihemophilic factor (recombinant) pegylated-aucl Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant) Pegylated-aucl
Jivi (Antihemophilic factor Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Jivi recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Koate DVI
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Koate-DVI human
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (human)
Kogenate FS
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Kogenate FS recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Kogenate FS with Adapter recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Kovaltry recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Tranexamic Acid (Lysteda)
Monoclate-P human
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (human)
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Novoeight recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Viia
NovoSeven RT
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Viia
NovoSeven RT with MixPro injection
Generic name: Coagulation Factor VIIa (injection)
Nuwiq recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Obizur (Antihemophilic factor (recombinant) porcine sequence Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant) Porcine Sequence (an-tye-hee-moe-FIL-ik FAK-tor (ree-KOM-bi-nant) POR-sine SEE-kwen-se)
Obizur (Antihemophilic factor Intravenous)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor
Generic name: Pentoxifylline
Generic name: Pentoxifylline
Generic name: Pentoxifylline
Protein c, human
Generic name: Protein C, Human
Generic name: Fibrinogen And Thrombin, Human
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Rebinyn (Coagulation factor ix recombinant, glycopegylated Intravenous)
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Ix Recombinant, Glycopegylated
Recombinate recombinant
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Fibrinogen
Generic name: Coagulation Factor IX
Rixubis (Coagulation factor ix recombinant Intravenous)
Generic name: Coagulation Factor Ix Recombinant
Generic name: Valoctocogene Roxaparvovec-rvox
Generic name: Fibrinogen And Thrombin, Human
Generic name: Fostamatinib
Thrombin human, recombinant
Generic name: Thrombin Human, Recombinant
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Tisseel Duploject Kit
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Tisseel Valupak Kit
Generic name: Fibrin Sealant Topical
Tranexamic acid
Generic name: Tranexamic Acid (Cyklokapron)
Tranexamic acid (Intravenous)
Generic name: Tranexamic Acid
Tranexamic acid (Oral)
Generic name: Tranexamic Acid
Tranexamic acid Lysteda
Generic name: Tranexamic Acid (Lysteda)
Generic name: Pentoxifylline
Generic name: Coagulation Factor XIII A-Subunit (Recombinant)
Valoctocogene roxaparvovec-rvox
Generic name: Valoctocogene Roxaparvovec-rvox
Von Willebrand factor recombinant
Generic name: Von Willebrand Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Von Willebrand Factor (recombinant)
Generic name: Von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Complex (Human)
Generic name: Antihemophilic Factor (recombinant)


Kabeh upaya wis ditindakake kanggo mesthekake yen informasi sing diwenehake dening akurat, nganti -tanggal, lan lengkap, nanging ora njamin kanggo efek sing. Informasi obat sing ana ing kene bisa uga sensitif wektu. Informasi wis diklumpukake kanggo digunakake dening praktisi kesehatan lan konsumen ing Amerika Serikat lan mulane ora njamin sing nggunakake njaba Amerika Serikat cocok, kajaba khusus dituduhake digunakake. Informasi obat ora nyetujoni obat, diagnosa pasien utawa menehi rekomendasi terapi. Informasi obat minangka sumber informasi sing dirancang kanggo mbantu praktisi kesehatan sing dilisensi kanggo ngrawat pasien lan / utawa nglayani konsumen sing ndeleng layanan iki minangka tambahan, lan dudu pengganti, keahlian, katrampilan, kawruh lan pertimbangan babagan perawatan kesehatan. praktisi.

Ora ana bebaya kanggo kombinasi obat utawa obat sing diwenehake kanthi cara apa wae kudu ditafsirake kanggo nuduhake yen obat utawa kombinasi obat kasebut aman, efektif utawa cocok kanggo pasien tartamtu. ora nanggung tanggung jawab kanggo aspek kesehatan apa wae sing ditindakake kanthi bantuan informasi sing diwenehake Informasi sing ana ing kene ora dimaksudake kanggo nyakup kabeh panggunaan, pituduh, pancegahan, bebaya, interaksi obat, reaksi alergi, utawa efek samping. Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon babagan obat sing sampeyan gunakake, takon dhokter, perawat utawa apoteker.

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