rubefacient topikal
Apa itu rubefacient topikal?
Rubefacient topikal menyebabkan iritasi dan kemerahan pada kulit karena peningkatan aliran darah. Mereka digunakan dalam pengobatan nyeri pada berbagai kondisi muskuloskeletal.
Daftar obat dengan rubefacient topikal
Nama Obat |
ActivICE Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Anti-Itch Steroid Free Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Arctic Relief Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Arthricare Cream Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Aspercreme Heat Pain Relieving Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Asperflex Advance topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Avedana Medicated Chest Rub Generic name: Camphor, Eucalyptus, And Menthol Topical |
Avedana Pain Relieving Roll On Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Coats Aloe Analgesic Liniment Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Cold and Hot Pain Relief Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Benalg Generic name: Menthol And Methyl Salicylate |
BENGAY Arthritis Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
BENGAY Pain Relieving Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Bengay Ultra Strength topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Benzyl alcohol, camphor, and menthol topical Generic name: Benzyl Alcohol, Camphor, And Menthol Topical |
Biofreeze Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Blue Gel Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Boroleum Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Camphor and menthol topical Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Camphor, eucalyptus, and menthol topical Generic name: Camphor, Eucalyptus, And Menthol Topical |
Camphor, menthol, and methyl salicylate topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Castiva Cooling Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Cepacol Sore Throat Max Numb oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Deep Down Pain Relief Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Duraflex comfort Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Eucalyptamint Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Exocaine Plus Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Fast Freeze Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Fast Freeze Roll-On Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Flexall Generic name: Menthol Topical |
FlexAll 454 Ultra Plus topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Fordagel topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Freeze It Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Freeze It Roll-On Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Gold Bond Medicated Maximum Strength Foot Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Gordogesic Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Halls Mentho-Lyptus Drops oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Heet Triple Action Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Icy Hot Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Icy Hot Extra Strength Generic name: Menthol Topical |
IcyHot Advanced Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
IcyHot Pro Dry Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
IcyHot Pro No Mess Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
IcyHot Pro Pain Relief Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Ivy Dry Super Generic name: Benzyl Alcohol, Camphor, And Menthol Topical |
Ivy-Dry Cream Generic name: Benzyl Alcohol, Camphor, And Menthol Topical |
Koldets Cough Drops oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Luden's Honey Lemon Throat Drops oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Max-Freeze Generic name: Menthol Topical |
MCM Instant Pain Relief topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Men-phor Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Menthol and methyl salicylate Generic name: Menthol And Methyl Salicylate |
Menthol topical Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Menthol topical oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Topical (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Mentholatum Deep Heating Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Mentholatum Greaseless Vaporizing Generic name: Camphor, Eucalyptus, And Menthol Topical |
Mentholatum Ointment Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Mentholatum Pain Gel Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Mentholatum Pain Patch Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Methyl salicylate topical Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Mineral Ice Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Neuroxa Kit topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
N Ice oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Pain Stick Arthritis Formula Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Pain Stick Sports Formula Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
PainZone Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Pomada Dragon Pain Relief topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Reallief Gel-I topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Rhuli Gel Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Robitussin Cough Drop Almond Honey oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Salonpas Arthritis Pain Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Salonpas Pain Patch Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Salonpas Pain Relieving Patch topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Sarna Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Satogesic Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Satogesic Hot Gel Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Satogesic Pad Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Soltice Quick Rub Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Stopain Generic name: Menthol Topical |
Thera-Gesic Generic name: Menthol And Methyl Salicylate |
Theraflu Vapor Stick Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Therapeutic Pain Relief Generic name: Methyl Salicylate Topical |
Tiger Balm Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Tiger Balm Active Muscle Rub topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
Tiger Balm Extra Strength Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Tiger Balm Neck and Shoulder Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
Tiger Balm Ultra Strength Generic name: Camphor And Menthol Topical |
ValleGel Prep topical Generic name: Camphor, Menthol, And Methyl Salicylate (topical) |
VapoDrops Menthol oral mucous membrane Generic name: Menthol Lozenge (oral Mucous Membrane) |
Vicks VapoRub Generic name: Camphor, Eucalyptus, And Menthol Topical |
Segala upaya telah dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa informasi yang diberikan oleh akurat, terkini -tanggal, dan lengkap, namun tidak ada jaminan mengenai hal tersebut. Informasi obat yang terkandung di sini mungkin sensitif terhadap waktu. Informasi telah dikumpulkan untuk digunakan oleh praktisi kesehatan dan konsumen di Amerika Serikat dan oleh karena itu tidak menjamin bahwa penggunaan di luar Amerika Serikat adalah tepat, kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya. Informasi obat tidak mendukung obat, mendiagnosis pasien, atau merekomendasikan terapi. Informasi obat adalah sumber informasi yang dirancang untuk membantu praktisi layanan kesehatan berlisensi dalam merawat pasien mereka dan/atau untuk melayani konsumen yang memandang layanan ini sebagai pelengkap, dan bukan pengganti, keahlian, keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan penilaian layanan kesehatan. praktisi.
Tidak adanya peringatan untuk suatu obat atau kombinasi obat sama sekali tidak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai indikasi bahwa obat atau kombinasi obat tersebut aman, efektif, atau sesuai untuk pasien tertentu. tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala aspek layanan kesehatan yang diberikan dengan bantuan informasi yang disediakan Informasi yang terkandung di sini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mencakup semua kemungkinan penggunaan, petunjuk, tindakan pencegahan, peringatan, interaksi obat, reaksi alergi, atau efek samping. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang obat yang Anda konsumsi, tanyakan kepada dokter, perawat, atau apoteker Anda.
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