Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine
Jeneng umum: Acrivastine And Pseudoephedrine
Kelas obat:
Kombinasi ambegan ndhuwur
Panganggone Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine
Kombinasi acrivastine lan pseudoephedrine digunakake kanggo nambani irung gatal utawa meler, wahing, utawa gejala liyane sing disebabake dening demam hay musiman (rinitis alergi).
Acrivastine minangka antihistamin. Kerjane kanthi nyegah efek saka zat sing disebut histamin, sing diprodhuksi dening awak. Histamin bisa nyebabake gatal, wahing, irung meler, lan mripat berair. Pseudoephedrine minangka decongestant, sing nyuda kemacetan irung kanthi nyepetake pembuluh getih lan nyuda aliran getih menyang saluran irung.
Obat iki mung kasedhiya kanthi resep dokter.
Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine efek sisih
Bebarengan karo efek sing dibutuhake, obat bisa nyebabake efek sing ora dikarepake. Sanajan ora kabeh efek samping kasebut bisa kedadeyan, yen kedadeyan bisa uga mbutuhake perawatan medis.
Enggal njaluk bantuan darurat yen ana gejala overdosis ing ngisor iki:
Gejala overdosis
Sawetara efek samping bisa kedadeyan biasane ora perlu perawatan medis. Efek samping kasebut bisa ilang sajrone perawatan amarga awak nyetel obat kasebut. Uga, profesional perawatan kesehatan sampeyan bisa uga ngandhani babagan cara kanggo nyegah utawa nyuda sawetara efek samping kasebut. Priksa karo profesional perawatan kesehatan yen ana efek samping ing ngisor iki terus utawa ngganggu utawa yen sampeyan duwe pitakon babagan:
Luwih umum
Kurang umum
Efek sisih liyane sing ora kadhaptar uga bisa kedadeyan ing sawetara pasien. Yen sampeyan weruh efek liyane, takon karo profesional kesehatan.
Telpon dhokter kanggo pitunjuk babagan efek samping. Sampeyan bisa nglaporake efek samping menyang FDA ing 1-800-FDA-1088.
Sadurunge njupuk Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine
Nalika mutusake kanggo nggunakake obat, risiko njupuk obat kasebut kudu ditimbang karo kabecikan sing bakal ditindakake. Iki minangka keputusan sing bakal ditindakake sampeyan lan dhokter sampeyan. Kanggo obat iki, ing ngisor iki kudu dianggep:
Marang dhokter sampeyan yen sampeyan tau ngalami reaksi sing ora biasa utawa alergi kanggo obat iki utawa obat liyane. Uga ngandhani profesional perawatan kesehatan yen sampeyan duwe jinis alergi liyane, kayata panganan, pewarna, pengawet, utawa kewan. Kanggo produk non-resep, waca label utawa bahan paket kasebut kanthi teliti.
Panaliten sing cocog sing ditindakake nganti saiki ora nuduhake masalah khusus pediatrik sing bakal mbatesi kegunaan kapsul Semprex®-D ing bocah-bocah umur 12 taun utawa luwih. Nanging, safety lan khasiat durung ditetepake ing bocah-bocah ing umur 12 taun.
Sinau sing cocog sing ditindakake nganti saiki ora nuduhake masalah khusus geriatrik sing bakal mbatesi kegunaan kapsul Semprex®-D ing wong tuwa. Nanging, pasien tuwa luwih cenderung duwe efek sing ora dikarepake (contone, pusing, ngantuk, pingsan, pusing, utawa masalah urinating) lan masalah ginjel sing ana gandhengane karo umur, sing mbutuhake ati-ati lan pangaturan dosis kanggo pasien sing nampa obat iki.
Ora ana studi sing nyukupi ing wanita kanggo nemtokake risiko bayi nalika nggunakake obat iki nalika nyusoni. Timbangake keuntungan potensial marang risiko potensial sadurunge njupuk obat iki nalika nyusoni.
Interaksi karo Obat
Sanajan obat-obatan tartamtu ora bisa digunakake bebarengan, ing kasus liyane, rong obat beda bisa digunakake bebarengan sanajan ana interaksi. Ing kasus iki, dhokter sampeyan bisa uga pengin ngganti dosis, utawa pancegahan liyane bisa uga perlu. Nalika sampeyan njupuk obat iki, penting banget yen profesional kesehatan sampeyan ngerti yen sampeyan nggunakake obat-obatan ing ngisor iki. Interaksi ing ngisor iki wis dipilih adhedhasar potensial pinunjul lan ora mesthi kalebu kabeh.
Nggunakake obat iki karo obat-obatan ing ngisor iki ora dianjurake. Dokter sampeyan bisa mutusake ora ngobati sampeyan nganggo obat iki utawa ngganti sawetara obat liyane sing sampeyan gunakake.
Nggunakake obat iki karo obat-obatan ing ngisor iki biasane ora dianjurake, nanging bisa uga dibutuhake ing sawetara kasus. Yen loro obat kasebut diwènèhaké bebarengan, dhokter sampeyan bisa ngganti dosis utawa sepira kerepe sampeyan nggunakake siji utawa loro-lorone obat kasebut.
Interaksi karo Pangan/Tembakau/ Alkohol
Obat-obatan tartamtu ora kena digunakake nalika utawa watara wektu mangan utawa mangan jinis panganan tartamtu amarga interaksi bisa kedadeyan. Nggunakake alkohol utawa rokok karo obat-obatan tartamtu uga bisa nyebabake interaksi. Interaksi ing ngisor iki wis dipilih adhedhasar makna potensial lan ora kudu kalebu kabeh.
Masalah Medis Liyane
Ana masalah medis liyane bisa mengaruhi panggunaan obat iki. Priksa manawa sampeyan ngandhani dhokter yen sampeyan duwe masalah medis liyane, utamane:
Related obat
- Acetaminophen and chlorpheniramine
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- Acetaminophen and phenylephrine
- Acetaminophen and pseudoephedrine
- Acetaminophen Congestion and Pain
- Acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and dextromethorphan
- Acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and phenylephrine
- Acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and diphenhydramine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and doxylamine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and triprolidine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, doxylamine, and phenylephrine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, doxylamine, and pseudoephedrine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, phenylephrine, and triprolidine
- Acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- Acetaminophen, pheniramine, and phenylephrine
- Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine
- Actifed Cold and Allergy
- Adult Cough DM
- Advil Allergy Sinus
- Advil Childrens Allergy Sinus
- Advil Cold & Sinus
- Advil Cold and Sinus Liqui-Gel
- Advil Multi-Symptom Cold
- Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain
- AH-Chew II
- Ala Hist PE
- Alahist CF
- Alahist D
- Alahist DM (dexbrompheniramine)
- Alavert D-12
- Alavert-D 12-Hour
- Aldex G
- Aleve Cold and Sinus
- Aleve Sinus and Headache
- Aleve-D Cold and Sinus
- Aleve-D Sinus and Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Cold and Sinus
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Sinus
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Formula
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Night-Time Cold
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Powermax
- All Day Allergy-D
- All-Nite
- Allan Tannate Pediatric
- Allanhist PDX Drops
- Allegra-D
- Allegra-D 12 hour
- Allegra-D 12 Hour Allergy and Congestion
- Allegra-D 24 Hour
- Allegra-D 24 Hour Allergy and Congestion
- AllerDur
- Allerest Maximum Strength
- Allerest No Drowsiness
- Allerest PE
- Allergy & Congestion Relief
- Allfen C
- Allfen CD
- Allfen CX
- Altarussin CF
- Ambifed CD
- Ambifed-G
- Anaplex DM
- Andehist DM NR Syrup
- Antihistamine and Nasal Decongestant
- A-Phedrin
- Aphedrid
- Aprodine
- Aquatab D
- Aquatab DM
- Aspirin, chlorpheniramine, and phenylephrine
- Clarinex-D 12 Hour
- Clarinex-D 24 Hour
- Claritin-D
- Claritin-D 12 Hour
- Claritin-D 24 Hour
- Clear-Atadine D
- Codar AR
- Codar GF
- Codeine and guaifenesin
- Codeine and promethazine
- Codeine Phosphate-Promethazine HCl
- Codeine, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- Codeine, phenylephrine, and promethazine
- Codeine, phenylephrine, and triprolidine
- Codeprex
- CodiClear DH
- Cold and Allergy Relief
- Cold and Cough Childrens
- Cold and Flu Daytime Relief
- Cold and Flu Nighttime Relief
- Comtrex Cold and Cough
- Comtrex Cold and Flu Maximum Strength Tablet
- Comtrex Flu Therapy
- Comtrex Severe Cold and Sinus
- Conal
- Conex
- Contac Cold+Flu Cooling Night
- Contac Cold+Flu Maximum Strength
- Contac Cold+Flu Non-Drowsy
- Coricidin
- Coricidin HBP Chest Congestion and Cough
- Coricidin HBP Cold and Flu
- Coricidin HBP Cough and Cold
- Coricidin HBP Maximum Strength Flu
- Coricidin HBP Nighttime Multi-Symptom Cold
- Cough And Cold
- Cough and Sore Throat Nighttime
- C-Tanna 12
- Mucus DM
- Mucus Relief D
- Mucus Relief DM
- Mucus Relief Sinus
- Mygrex
- MyHist-PD
- Mytussin AC
- Balamine DM
- Bayer Select Decongestant
- Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion
- Benadryl Allergy Sinus Headache
- BetaTan
- Biotussin DAC
- BP Allergy JR
- Brantussin DM
- Brohist D
- Bromaline
- Bromaline DM
- Bromatan Plus
- Bromhist PDX
- Brompheniramine and phenylephrine
- Brompheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- Brompheniramine, chlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, phenylephrine, and pseudoephedrine
- Brompheniramine, codeine, and phenylephrine
- Brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- Brompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- Bromplex DM
- Broncotron
- Broncotron Ped
- Broncotron-D
- Brotapp
- Brotapp PE-DM Cough And Cold
- Brotapp-DM
- BroveX PSE DM
- Canges-XP
- Capmist DM
- Capron DM
- Capron DMT
- Carbetapentane and chlorpheniramine
- Carbetapentane and guaifenesin
- Cetirizine and pseudoephedrine
- Cheracol with Codeine
- Cheratussin AC
- Cheratussin DAC
- Children Giltuss Cough and Chest Congestion
- Children Giltuss Cough and Cold
- Children's Allergy Plus Congestion
- Children's Cold and Allergy
- Children's Cold and Cough DM
- Children's Delsym Cough Plus Cold Night Time
- Children's Delsym Cough Plus Sore Throat
- Children's Delsym Cough+Chest Congest DM
- Children's Dimetapp Multi-Symptom Cold and Flu
- Children's Mucinex Night Multi-Symp Cold
- Children's NyQuil Cold and Cough
- Children's Robitussin Cough and Chest
- Children's Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM
- Children's Triacting
- Children's Triacting Daytime
- Children's Triacting Night Time
- Children's Tylenol Cold + Cough + Runny Nose
- Children's Tylenol Cold + Cough + Sore Throat
- Chlophedianol, dexchlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- Chlophedianol, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- Chlorcyclizine and phenylephrine
- Chlorcyclizine and pseudoephedrine
- Chlorex A
- Chlorex-A 12
- Chlorpheniramine and codeine
- Chlorpheniramine and codeine polistirex
- Chlorpheniramine and dextromethorphan
- Chlorpheniramine and hydrocodone
- Chlorpheniramine and phenylephrine
- Chlorpheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- Chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- Chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- Chlorpheniramine, ibuprofen, and phenylephrine
- Chlorpheniramine, ibuprofen, and pseudoephedrine
- Chlorpheniramine, methscopolamine, and phenylephrine
- Chlorpheniramine, phenylephrine, and phenyltoloxamine
- Chlorpheniramine, phenylephrine, and pyrilamine
- ChlorTan D
- Clarinex-D
- Dallergy
- Dallergy Drops
- DayQuil Cold and Flu
- DayQuil Mucus Control DM
- DayQuil Severe Cold and Flu
- Daytime
- Deconex
- Deconex DMX
- Deconex IR
- Delsym Adult Night Time Multi-Symptom
- Delsym Cough and Sore Throat
- Delsym Cough Plus Chest Congestion DM
- Delsym Cough Plus Cold Day Time
- Delsym Cough Plus Cold Night Time
- Deltuss DMX
- Deltuss DP
- Desgen DM (Phenylephrine)
- Desgen Pediatric
- Desloratadine and pseudoephedrine
- Despec DM
- Despec Drops
- Despec-SR
- Dexbrompheniramine and phenylephrine
- Dexbrompheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- Dexbrompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and phenylephrine
- Dexbrompheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- Dexchlorpheniramine and phenylephrine
- Dexchlorpheniramine and pseudoephedrine
- Dexchlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine
- Dextromethorphan and doxylamine
- Dextromethorphan and guaifenesin
- Dextromethorphan and phenylephrine
- Dextromethorphan and promethazine
- Dextromethorphan and pseudoephedrine
- Dextromethorphan and pyrilamine
- Dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine
- Dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and phenylephrine
- Dextromethorphan, guaifenesin, and pseudoephedrine
- Diabetic Tuss DM
- Diabetic Tuss DM Maximum Strength
- Diabetic Tussin DM
- Diabetic Tussin Night Time Formula
- Dicel
- Dimaphen DM Childrens
- Dimetane Decongestant
- Dimetapp
- Dimetapp Cold and Cough Childrens
- Dimetapp Cold/Allergy
- Dimetapp Long Acting Cough Plus Cold
- Dimetapp Nighttime Cold & Congestion
- Diphenhydramine and phenylephrine
- Donatussin Drops
- Doxylamine and phenylephrine
- D-Phen 1000
- Dristan Cold Multi Symptom Formula
- Dristan Cold Non-Drowsy
- Drixoral
- Duraflu
- Duraflu (325)
- Duraganidin NR
- Durahist D
- Duravent DM
- Duravent PE
- Dytan-D
- Dytan-DM
- Ed A-Hist
- Ed A-Hist DM
- Ed ChlorPed D
- EndaCof-DM
- Entex HC
- Entex T
- Entre-Cough
- Excedrin Sinus Headache
- Excedrin Sinus Headache Caplet
- ExeClear
- ExeCof XP
- Extendryl HC
- Fenesin DM IR
- Fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine
- Fexofenadine HCl-Pseudoephedrine 12 Hour
- Flonase Headache and Allergy Relief
- Flu and Severe Cold and Cough Daytime Powder
- Flu and Severe Cold Night Time
- FluTuss XP
- Gencontuss
- Geri-Tussin DM
- Gilphex TR
- Giltuss
- Giltuss Allergy and Sinus
- Giltuss Allergy Plus
- Giltuss Children's Allergy Plus
- Giltuss Cough and Chest Congestion
- Giltuss Cough and Cold
- Giltuss Diabetic Cough and Cold
- Giltuss Sinus and Congestion
- Giltuss TR
- Goodsense Cetirizine D-12 Hour
- G-P-Tuss DXP
- G-Supress DX
- G-Tron Ped
- G-Tusicof
- Guaiasorb DM
- Guaiatussin AC
- Guaifen DAC
- Guaifenesin and hydrocodone
- Guaifenesin and phenylephrine
- Guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine
- GuaiFENesin DM
- Guaifenesin, hydrocodone, and pseudoephedrine
- Guaifenex
- G-Zyncof
- Histafed
- Histex
- Histex-AC
- Homatropine and hydrocodone
- Hycodan
- Hycofenix
- Hydro-Tussin HG
- Hydrocodone and chlorpheniramine
- Hydrocodone and chlorpheniramine polistirex
- Hydrocodone and homatropine
- Hydrocodone and pseudoephedrine
- Hydrocodone, chlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine
- Hydrocodone, pseudoephedrine, and guaifenesin
- Hydromet
- Hydron PSC
- Hyphed
- Ibuprofen and phenylephrine
- Ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine
- Iophen-C NR
- Kidkare Cough/Cold
- Kindermed Kids' Cough and Congestion
- Kindermed Kids' Night Time Cold and Cough
- Leader Allergy Relief D-24
- Liquibid-PD
- Lodrane D
- LoHist-D
- Loratadine and pseudoephedrine
- Loratadine-D 12 Hour
- Loratadine-D 24 Hour
- Lortuss EX
- Mapap Cold Formula
- Mapap Sinus Congestion and Pain
- Mar-cof CG
- Max Tussin Cough + Chest Congestion DM
- Max Tussin Cough + Chest Congestion DM Sugar Free
- Maxi-Tuss PE Jr
- Maxifed
- Maxifed DMX
- Maxifed-G CD
- Maximum Strength Mucus DM
- M-Clear
- M-End DMX
- M-End PE
- Monte-G HC
- MucaphEd
- Mucinex Children's Cold, Cough and Sore Throat
- Mucinex Children's Congestion and Cough Very Berry
- Mucinex Children's Cough
- Mucinex Children's Cough Mini-Melts
- Mucinex Children's FreeFrom Cough and Mucus
- Mucinex Children's FreeFrom Multi-Symptom Cold & Flu Night
- Mucinex Children's FreeFrom Multi-Symptom Cold Stuffy Nose
- Mucinex Children's Multi-Symptom Cold
- Mucinex Children's Multi-Symptom Cold Nighttime Very Berry
- Mucinex Cough and Chest Congestion
- Mucinex D
- Mucinex DM
- Mucinex DM Maximum Strength
- Mucinex Fast-Max Congestion and Headache
- Mucinex Fast-Max DM Max
- Mucinex Fast-Max Night Time Cold and Flu
- Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Cold
- Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion & Cough
- Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion and Cough Clear and Cool
- Mucinex FreeFrom Severe Congestion and Cough
- Mucinex Junior Cough and Cold
- Mucinex Nightshift Cold & Flu
- Mucinex Nightshift Cold & Flu Clear & Cool
- Mucinex Nightshift Sinus
- Mucinex Nightshift Sinus Clear & Cool
- Nalex A 12
- Nalex-A
- Naproxen and pseudoephedrine
- Narcof
- Nariz
- NasOpen
- Nexafed Sinus Pressure + Pain
- Next Cold and Flu Daytime
- Night Time Cold/Flu
- NightTime Cold and Flu Cherry
- NiteTime Cold and Flu
- Nivanex DMX
- NoHist DM
- NoHist LQ
- NoHist-A
- Norel AD
- Notuss-Forte
- Nucofed Pediatric Expectorant
- Nyquil Cold and Flu
- NyQuil Cold and Flu (Alcohol Free)
- Nyquil Cold and Flu Nighttime
- NyQuil Cold/Flu Relief
- NyQuil Cold/Flu Relief Cherry
- NyQuil Cough
- NyQuil D
- NyQuil Severe + Vicks VapoCOOL Cold and Flu Nighttime
- NyQuil Severe Cold and Flu
- NyQuil Severe Cold and Flu Honey
- Nyquil Vapocool
- Ornex
- Ornex Maximum Strength
- Panatuss DXP
- Panatuss PED
- Panatuss Pediatric DXP
- Pancof HC
- Pancof XP
- Pecgen DMX
- PediaCare Children's Multi-Symptom Cold
- Phena-Plus
- Phena-S
- Phenagil
- Phenergan VC
- Phenergan w/Codeine
- Pheniramine and phenylephrine
- Phenylephrine and promethazine
- Phlemex
- Phlemex Forte
- Poly Hist Forte
- Poly-Tussin AC
- Poly-Vent DM
- Poly-Vent IR
- Polytussin DM Liquid
- Pres Gen
- Pres Gen Pediatric
- Presgen B
- Pro-Chlo
- Prolex D
- Promethazine DM
- Promethazine VC Plain
- Promethazine VC with Codeine
- Promethazine with Codeine
- Pseudoephedrine and triprolidine
- Pseudoephedrine-Guaifenesin
- Pseudovent
- Relcof C
- Relief-PE
- Rescon
- Rescon-DM
- Respaire-30
- Resperal-DM Drops
- Rezira
- Robafen CF
- Robafen DM Cough and Chest Congestion
- Robitussin CF Max Strength Honey Severe
- Robitussin Children's Cough and Cold CF
- Robitussin Cold and Cough
- Robitussin Cold Cough and Flu
- Robitussin Cough + Chest Congestion DM
- Robitussin Cough + Chest Congestion DM Maximum Strength
- Robitussin Flu
- Robitussin Max Strength 12 Hour Cough and Mucus Relief
- Robitussin Maximum Strength Nighttime Cough
- Robitussin Maximum Strength Nighttime Cough DM
- Robitussin Maximum Strength Severe
- Robitussin Maximum Strength Severe Cough Plus Sore Throat
- Robitussin Multi-Symptom Cold
- Robitussin Nasal Relief
- Robitussin Nighttime Cough DM
- Robitussin Nighttime Nasal Relief
- Robitussin Peak Cold Daytime Cold + Flu
- Robitussin Peak Cold Multi-Symptom Cold
- Robitussin Peak Cold Nighttime Cold + Flu
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough and Cold Long-Acting
- Robitussin Severe Congestion
- R-Tanna
- Ru-Hist D
- Ru-Hist Forte
- Rynex DM
- Rynex PE
- Safetussin CD
- Safetussin DM
- Safetussin PM
- Scot-Tussin Senior
- Scot-Tussin Sugar Free DM
- Semprex-D
- Siltussin DM
- Siltussin DM DAS Cough Formula
- Siltussin-DM DAS-NA
- Siltussin-DM DAS-NA Maximum Strength
- Sinarest
- Sinarest Sinus
- Sine-Off Maximum Strength
- Sinus and Allergy Maximum Strength
- Sinus and Allergy PE
- Sinus Congestion and Pain Daytime Cool Ice
- Sinutab Non Drying
- Stahist AD
- Su-Tuss HD Elixir
- Sudafed PE Children's Cold and Cough
- Sudafed PE Cold and Cough
- Sudafed PE Non-Drying Sinus
- Sudafed PE Pressure Plus Pain
- Sudafed PE Pressure+Pain+Cough
- Sudafed PE Severe Cold
- Sudafed PE Sinus and Allergy
- Sudafed PE Sinus Congestion Daytime/Nighttime
- Sudafed PE Sinus Headache
- Sudafed PSE
- Sudafed Sinus 12 Hour Pressure + Pain
- SudoGest Sinus and Allergy
- Supress A Pediatric
- Supress-DX
- Supress-PE
- SuTan
- SuTan-DM
- SymPak II
- TabTussin DM
- Tannic-12 S
- Tavist Sinus
- Theraflu Daytime Severe Cold
- Theraflu Daytime Severe Cold and Cough
- Theraflu ExpressMax Nighttime Severe C and C
- Theraflu Flu and Sore Throat (Phenylephrine)
- Theraflu Nighttime Maximum Strength
- Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold
- Theraflu PowerPods Daytime Severe Cold
- Theraflu PowerPods Nighttime Severe Cold
- Theraflu Severe Cold and Congestion
- Theraflu Severe Cold and Cough Nighttime
- Theraflu Sinus and Pain
- Theraflu Warming Severe Cold Daytime
- Triaminic
- Triaminic Cold and Allergy
- Triaminic Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Cold and Fever
- Triaminic Cough and Runny Nose
- Triaminic Cough and Runny Nose Softchews
- Triaminic Cough and Sore Throat Softchews
- Triaminic Day Time Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Day Time Night Time Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Flu Cough and Fever
- Triaminic Multi-Symptom Fever
- Triaminic Night Time Cold & Cough
- Triaminic Night Time Cough and Runny Nose
- Triaminic Softchew Cold and Allergy
- Triaminic Softchew Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Softchews Allergy Nose and Congestion
- Triaminic Softchews Allergy Sinus
- Triaminic Softchews Chest Congestion
- Tricode GF
- Triprolidine, pseudoephedrine, and codeine
- Trispec DMX
- Trispec PSE
- Tukol Cough and Cold
- Tusicof
- Tusnel
- Tusnel C
- Tusnel Diabetic
- Tusnel DM Pediatric Drops
- Tusnel Pediatric Drops
- Tussi-Pres
- Tussi-Pres B
- Tussi-Pres Pediatric
- TussiCaps
- Tussiclear DH
- Tussigon
- Tussin CF
- Tussin DM
- Tussin DM Max
- Tussin DM Sugar Free
- Tussionex PennKinetic
- Tusslin
- Tusso-HC
- Tuxarin ER
- Tuzistra XR
- Tylenol Allergy Multi-Symptom
- Tylenol Children's Plus Cold
- Tylenol Childrens Plus Cough and Runny Nose
- Tylenol Cold + Flu Multi-Action Day/Night Extra Strength
- Tylenol Cold and Cough Nighttime Cool Burst
- Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Daytime
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime
- Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Severe
- Tylenol Cold Plus Flu Plus Cough Night
- Tylenol Sinus + Headache Day
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion and Pain
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion Nighttime
- Tylenol Sinus Congestion-Pain Cool Burst
- Tylenol Warming Cold Multi-Symptom Nighttime
- Tylenol Warming Cough and Sore Throat Nighttime
- Vanacof
- Vanacof DM
- VanaTab DM
- Vi-Sudo
- Vicks 44 Cold and Cough LiquiCaps
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- Wal-Act
- West-Decon M
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- Xpect-PE
- Zotex-EX
- Z-tuss DM
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- Zyncof
- Zyrtec-D
Carane nggunakake Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine
Gunakake obat iki mung kaya sing diarahake. Aja nggunakake luwih akeh lan aja nggunakake luwih asring tinimbang sing diprentahake dening dokter. Iki bisa nambah kemungkinan efek samping.
Nguntal kapsul kabèh. Aja ngrusak, ngrusak, utawa ngunyah. Sampeyan bisa njupuk obat iki kanthi utawa tanpa panganan.
Dosis obat iki bakal beda kanggo pasien sing beda. Tindakake pesenan dhokter utawa pituduh ing label. Informasi ing ngisor iki mung kalebu dosis rata-rata obat iki. Yen dosis sampeyan beda-beda, aja diganti yen ora diomong dening dokter.
Jumlah obat sing sampeyan ngombe gumantung saka kekuwatan obat kasebut. Uga, jumlah dosis sing sampeyan gunakake saben dina, wektu sing diidini ing antarane dosis, lan suwene wektu sampeyan njupuk obat gumantung saka masalah medis sing sampeyan gunakake obat kasebut.
Dosis sing ora kejawab
Yen sampeyan ora kejawab dosis obat iki, njupuk obat kasebut sanalika bisa. Nanging, yen wis meh wektu kanggo dosis sabanjure, skip dosis sing ora kejawab lan bali menyang jadwal dosis biasa. Aja dosis kaping pindho.
Simpen obat ing wadhah sing ditutup ing suhu kamar, adoh saka panas, kelembapan, lan cahya langsung. Aja kedinginan.
Aja nganti tekan bocah-bocah.
Aja nyimpen obat-obatan sing wis kadaluwarsa utawa obat-obatan sing ora dibutuhake maneh.
Takon karo profesional kesehatan sampeyan kepiye carane sampeyan kudu mbuwang obat apa wae sing ora digunakake.
Penting banget yen dhokter mriksa kemajuan sampeyan ing kunjungan biasa. Iki bakal ngidini sampeyan ndeleng apa obat kasebut mlaku kanthi bener lan mutusake yen sampeyan kudu terus ngombe.
Aja nggunakake obat iki lan inhibitor MAO (MAOI) kayata Eldepryl®, Marplan®, Nardil®, utawa Parnate® sajrone 14 dina saben liyane.
Obat iki bisa nyebabake sawetara wong dadi mumet, ngantuk, utawa kurang waspada tinimbang biasane. Priksa manawa sampeyan ngerti carane sampeyan nanggepi obat iki sadurunge nyopir, nggunakake mesin, utawa nindakake tindakan liya sing bisa mbebayani yen sampeyan mumet utawa ora waspada.
Obat iki bakal nambah efek alkohol lan depresan CNS liyane (obat sing nggawe sampeyan ngantuk utawa kurang waspada). Sawetara conto depresan CNS yaiku antihistamin utawa obat kanggo demam, alergi liyane, utawa selesma, obat penenang, obat penenang, utawa obat turu, resep obat nyeri utawa narkotika, barbiturat, obat kanggo kejang, pelumpuh otot, utawa anestesi, kalebu sawetara anestesi dental. Priksa karo dhokter utawa dokter gigi sadurunge njupuk samubarang ing ndhuwur nalika sampeyan njupuk obat iki.
Aja njupuk obat liya kajaba wis dirembug karo dhokter. Iki kalebu obat-obatan resep utawa non-resep (over-the-counter [OTC]) lan suplemen herbal utawa vitamin.

Kabeh upaya wis ditindakake kanggo mesthekake yen informasi sing diwenehake dening akurat, nganti -tanggal, lan lengkap, nanging ora njamin kanggo efek sing. Informasi obat sing ana ing kene bisa uga sensitif wektu. Informasi wis diklumpukake kanggo digunakake dening praktisi kesehatan lan konsumen ing Amerika Serikat lan mulane ora njamin sing nggunakake njaba Amerika Serikat cocok, kajaba khusus dituduhake digunakake. Informasi obat ora nyetujoni obat, diagnosa pasien utawa menehi rekomendasi terapi. Informasi obat minangka sumber informasi sing dirancang kanggo mbantu praktisi kesehatan sing dilisensi kanggo ngrawat pasien lan / utawa nglayani konsumen sing ndeleng layanan iki minangka tambahan, lan dudu pengganti, keahlian, katrampilan, kawruh lan pertimbangan babagan perawatan kesehatan. praktisi.
Ora ana bebaya kanggo kombinasi obat utawa obat sing diwenehake kanthi cara apa wae kudu ditafsirake kanggo nuduhake yen obat utawa kombinasi obat kasebut aman, efektif utawa cocok kanggo pasien tartamtu. ora nanggung tanggung jawab kanggo aspek kesehatan apa wae sing ditindakake kanthi bantuan informasi sing diwenehake Informasi sing ana ing kene ora dimaksudake kanggo nyakup kabeh panggunaan, pituduh, pancegahan, bebaya, interaksi obat, reaksi alergi, utawa efek samping. Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon babagan obat sing sampeyan gunakake, takon dhokter, perawat utawa apoteker.
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