
Generic name: Clematis Species
Brand names: Clematis, Devil's-darning-needle, Old-man's Beard, Traveler's-joy, Umdlonzo (Zulu), Vine Bower, Virgin's Bower, Woodbine

Usage of Clematis

Anti-inflammatory effects

Clematis species have been traditionally used in several cultures for their anti-inflammatory effects. Although not fully understood, these effects may be due to the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines and inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. Specifically, the ethanolic extracts of 3 Clematis species (ie, Clematis pickeringii, Clematis microphyllia, and Clematis glycinoides) were found, albeit at differing degrees, to inhibit COX-1, COX-2, and 5-lipoxygenase, with the exception that stem and leaf extracts of C. microphyllia did not inhibit COX-2. The highest inhibition was noted with C. pickeringii.(Li 2006)

Animal data

In a murine model, the compound vitalboside was isolated from C. vitalba and studied for its anti-inflammatory effects. Vitalboside exerted a potent and dose-dependent, anti-inflammatory effect on carrageenan-induced paw edema. Additionally, antipyretic and antinociceptive effects were noted with vitalboside.(Yesilada 2007)

Similarly, Clematis brachiata exerted anti-inflammatory effects at doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg on carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats. The 400 mg/kg dose was the most potent. Antipyretic and antinociceptive effects were also noted with treatment. Specifically, at a dose of 400 mg/kg, C. brachiata was found to lower body temperature in rats more so than indomethacin.(Mostafa 2010)

The triterpene saponin, AR-6, has been isolated from C. chinensis and evaluated for its anti-inflammatory effects. In rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis, the oral administration of AR-6 was associated with a reduction in the severity of clinical symptoms, absence of hyperplasia in the synovial membranes, and decreases in prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and nitric oxide levels.(Sun 2010)

A study was conducted to assess the anti-inflammatory effects of C. mandshurica on adjuvant arthritis in rats. Subcutaneous administration of C. mandshurica reduced swelling similarly as with rats receiving dexamethasone as a control. Specifically, when clematis was given on the same day or 5 days prior to the inflammatory insult, a reduction in inflammation was noted compared with the control rats. Clematis administration was also associated with a reduction in TNF-alpha and IL-1 production, with an increase in the production of IL-10, a cytokine that suppresses TNF-alpha production.(Suh 2006)

The in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory activities of triterpene saponins from Clematis florida significantly improved the symptoms of arthritis, such as paw swelling, arthritic index, and histological condition in rats. C. florida also reduced the levels of interleukin (IL)-1beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-6. Further studies also showed that triterpene saponins from C. florida induced anti-inflammatory activity and inhibited inflammatory mediators by blocking JAK-STAT signalling pathways in lipopolysaccaride-treated macrophages.(Yang 2021)

Antifungal and antiviral effects

In vitro data

A mannose-binding lectin isolated from C. montana exerted antiviral effects against HIV. Anti-HIV activity occurred at medium effective concentration values of 11±3.9 mcg/mL and 71±41 mcg/mL for HIV-1 and HIV-2, respectively. Antiviral activity was also noted against influenza A H1N1 subtype, H3N2 subtype, influenza B, parainfluenza-3, and virus reovirus-1.(Peng 2009)

Two compounds, beta-magnoflorine and alpha-magnoflorine, were isolated from Clematis parviolba and assessed for their antifungal effects. Both compounds exerted anti-inflammatory effects against Penicillium avellaneum UC-4376.(Chen 2009)

Antimicrobial effects

In vitro and in vivo data

The antimycotic activity of C. vitalba was assessed using the agar diffusion well bioassay method. The compound exerted antimycotic activity against a broad range of pathogenic yeast and yeast-like microorganisms, with minimal inhibitory concentrations ranging from 1.4 to 12.3 mcg/mL. This activity was determined to occur only in methanol fractions of the compound.(Buzzini 2003)

Antibacterial activity was reported with 4 new 8‑O-4′ neolignans identified from the whole plant of Clematis lasiandra in vitro.(Hao 2020)

Antioxidant and drug protectant effects

In vitro and in vivo data

In vitro tests have established the antioxidant potential of phenolic and flavonoid rich fractions of Clematis orientalis and Clematis ispahanica.(Karimi 2018)

In vivo data from rats suggests that Clematis triterpenoid saponins could ameliorate arthritis-associated gut microbial dysbiosis and may be potential adjuvant drugs that could provide relief from the GI damage caused as a side effect of commonly used drugs.(Guo 2019)

In vivo rat tests have demonstrated the protective effects of ethanolic extract of Clematis terniflora against corticosterone-induced neuronal damage via the AKTand ERK1/2 pathways.(Noh 2018)

Cytotoxic effects

Animal data and in vitro data

Four triterpene glycosides were isolated from the aboveground part of Clematis ganpiniana. Three of these compounds demonstrated cytotoxic activities against estrogen-independent human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) and estrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). The compound alpha-hederin showed the strongest anticancer activity with the highest apoptosis rates.(Ding 2009)

Clematis hederagenin saponin induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells through regulation of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. The results suggest that the hederagenin saponin extracted from Clematis ganpiniana offers potential as a novel breast cancer treatment.(Cheng 2018)

Reports related to Clematis flammula and its major component, boehmenan, confirm that this compound is able to induce lung cancer cell apoptosis by regulating epidermal growth factor-dependent pathways.(Sun 2021)

Clematis inhibited the growth of mouse tumors in an in vivo model with inhibitory rates of 40.3% (0.25 g/kg), 55.1% (0.5 g/kg), and 53% (1 g/kg). However, mouse survival time was not affected by clematis.(Qiu 2009)

Diuretic effects

Animal data

The diuretic effects of Clematis montevidensis were investigated in rats administered isotonic saline solution. Infusions of the root and aerial part of the plant demonstrated moderate diuretic activity believed to be due to oleanolic acid isolated from the plant.(Alvarez 2003)

Insecticidal effects

Experimental data

Antifeedant, insecticidal, and insect growth inhibitory activities of the triterpenoid saponins from Clematis aethusifolia Turcz against Plutella xylostella (L.) have been published.(Tian 2020)

Clematis side effects

When the plants are handled or eaten, protoanemonin irritates and blisters the skin. A case report describes a man 34 years of age who developed hypo- and hyperpigmented areas on his skin following application of fresh C. chinensis to his wrist for pain relief. He used the product for 13 months and reported pruritic erythema with each twice weekly application. Subsequent examination by a physician confirmed the finding, and he tested positive on a patch test with both alcoholic and aqueous extracts of C. chinensis. Other adverse effects that may occur after contact with fresh C. chinensis include erythema, bullae, palpitations, and dyspnea.Tan 2008 Intense inflammation and burning of the digestive tract and around the mouth. Other adverse effects associated with oral intake include profuse salivation, blistering, inflamed eyes, abdominal cramping, vomiting of blood, weakness, and bloody diarrhea.Turner 1991 Kidneys may also be irritated, resulting in painful and excessive urination and bloody urine, ultimately leading to diminished urinary output.

Before taking Clematis

Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.

How to use Clematis

No clinical evidence supports dosage recommendations for clematis.


A poisonous-plant reference focused on those buttercup species that contained protoanemonin in the fresh leaves and sap, including clematis. Poisoning symptoms may include dizziness, confusion, possible fainting, and convulsions. There is currently no report on the mechanism of toxicity.(Lin 2021)

Fatalities are not common, probably due to the rapid and intense acrid taste and irritation resulting from oral contact. If a large amount has been accidentally ingested, gastric lavage is recommended, followed by demulcents to soothe irritated membranes. Because protoanemonin is present mainly in fresh plant material, cooking or drying results in its decomposition.

What other drugs will affect Clematis

None well documented.


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