
Generic name: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino.
Brand names: Amachazuru (Japan), Dungkulcha (Korea), Five-leaf Ginseng, Giao-co-lam Tea (Vietnam), Herb Of Immortality, Immortal Grass, Jiaogulan, Miracle Grass, Penta Tea, Poor Man’s Ginseng, Southern Ginseng, Sweet Tea Vine, Twisting-vine Orchid, Xiancao (China)

Usage of Jiaogulan

Although jiaogulan contains Ginseng-like saponins, it has not been reported to contain the other types of biologically active compounds, acetylenes, and polysaccharides found in ginseng. Thus, while ginseng pharmacology presents a reasonable starting point for investigation, jiaogulan cannot be considered as pharmacologically identical.


Limited antimicrobial activity has been shown for extracts of G. pentaphyllum.(56) A synergistic antifungal effect against Candida albicans has been demonstrated with gypenosides when combined with fluconazole. Alone, the gypenoside MIC exceeded 128 mcg/mL and the fluconazole MIC was over 64 mcg/mL; however, when combined, these MICs dropped to 32 mcg/mL and 0.25 mcg/mL, respectively.(73)


A G. pentaphyllum leaf ethanol extract, actiponin, was shown in experimental studies to improve the expression of key regulatory factors of fat oxidation and lipogenic transcription factors in a dose-Dependent manner. As a follow up to subsequent studies in mouse obesity models that demonstrated reduced body fat mass, a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in 80 obese participants with a BMI between 25 and 30 who had no other diagnoses. Compared to placebo, administration of actiponin 225 mg twice daily for 12 weeks led to significant improvements in abdominal fat and anthropometric parameters but not lipid parameters. Respectively, the gender-adjusted results for placebo compared to actiponin were abdominal fat (−2.87 vs −20.90 cm2, P=0.044), body weight (−0.08 vs −1.35 kg, P=0.021), BMI (0 vs −0.49, P=0.029), body fat mass (+0.28 vs −1.25; P<0.0001), percent body fat (+0.37 vs −1.16, P<0.0001), and waist circumference (−1.33 vs −2.49 cm; P=0.029). Actiponin was well tolerated with no adverse events reported.(69)


Antioxidant activity has been described for jiaogulan extracts.(14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 57, 58) Cryoprotective effects on spermatozoa, possibly via antioxidant action, was demonstrated by a jiaogulan extract.(59)


Animal data

An in vitro study of gypenosides in mice with leukemia showed increased survival for the treated mice.(17)

Clinical data

In vitro studies have evaluated the cytotoxicity of whole jiaogulan extracts as well as specific chemical constituents against various human cancer cell lines including brain, liver, oral, tongue, colon, and prostate cancers, and leukemia. Induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis has been demonstrated.(8, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) However, clinical trials are lacking.


Animal data

The hot water extract of G. pentaphyllum was found to activate platelet aggregation; however, the active principle was not elucidated.(26) Gypenosides inhibited platelet aggregation in another study.(27) In rabbits, crude gypenosides decreased heart rate, increased stroke volume, dilated blood vessels, and reduced blood pressure while slightly increasing cardiac output.(28) Purified gypenosides 5 and 10 were found to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, decrease coronary, brain, and peripheral blood vessel resistance, raise coronary flow, and lower heart rate in dogs.(29) Crude gypenosides protected against cerebral ischemic damage in a rabbit model.(30) Gypensoides protected the cardiac muscle in rats with diabetic cardiomyopathy as measured by left ventricular diastolic and systolic pressure.(31)

Clinical data

Clinical data regarding the use of jiaogulan for cardiovascular effects is lacking.


Antioxidant activity has been described for extracts of jiaogulan on nervous tissue samples.(14, 32)

Animal data

Extracts of G. pentaphyllum fed to rats appeared to protect hippocampus cells from hypoxia/hypoglycemia injury, suggesting a potential application in stroke or reperfusion injury.(33, 34) Similarly, in rats with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, gypenosides appeared to exert a protective effect.(35)

In rodent models of Parkinson disease, gypenosides were neuroprotective against oxidative injury.(36, 37) Experimental learning deficits induced in mice were atTenuated by Gynostemma aqueous extract and specific gypenosides.(38, 39) Anti-depressant actions related to inhibition of neuroinflammation were demonstrated in a chronic unpredictable mild stress mouse model.(72)

In a spinal cord injury mouse model, gypenoside-17 promoted recovery of motor function via a reduction in neuronal apoptosis and inflammatory cytokines (ie, interleukin [IL]-1beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6).(74)

Clinical data

In 72 healthy Korean volunteers with chronic psychological stress, supplementation with G. pentaphyllum extract for 8 weeks in a double-blind, randomized, controlled manner significantly improved Trait Anxiety Scale scores compared to placebo (P=0.041). However, no significant difference was observed in scores between groups based on 3 other scales.(71)


Animal data

In obese mice, oral administration of G. pentaphyllum saponin extract over 8 weeks resulted in decreased body weight.(40) A protective effect was observed by histology in rats with induced fatty liver disease fed jiaogulan.(41) In mice with type 2 diabetes, high-dose G. pentaphyllum extract preserved insulin production and protected the pancreas (on histology).(42)

Clinical data

A small (N = 24) 12-week clinical trial evaluated the effect of jiaogulan tea 6 g/day in patients with type 2 diabetes. Decreases in Fasting blood sugar, HbA1c and insulin resistance were observed. No effect on serum lipids was noted. No adverse effects were noted.(43) A similar study (N = 25) conducted by the SAMe researchers found the tea to be effective as add-on therapy to standard gliclazide treatment.(44) A single-blind study evaluated the effect of 80 mL aqueous G. pentaphyllum extract daily over 6 months in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and found improvements in both insulin resistance and fatty liver scores.(45)


Animal data

A protectant effect against induced hepatic fibrosis in rats has been demonstrated.(60, 61)

Clinical data

A single-blind study evaluated the effect of 80 mL aqueous G. pentaphyllum extract daily over 6 months in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and found improvements in both insulin resistance and fatty liver scores. No other clinical studies were identified in a Cochrane systematic review on herbal medicines for fatty liver disease conducted 7 years later. (45, 68)


Animal data

Results from animal experiments and in vitro studies are equivocal with some,(11, 40, 46, 47) but not all,(48) suggesting improved lipid profiles. Gypenosides significantly reduce plasma trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) levels in mice.(76)

Clinical data

Similarly, limited clinical studies have produced conflicting data.(43, 45, 49, 50, 69) Further quality trials are warranted. The influence of genetic polymorphisms on the metabolic response to consumption of G. pentaphyllum Makino tea was investigated in a small randomized interventional study in 66 hypercholesterolemic participants. Gene variants in 2 genes linked to dyslipidemia, apolipoprotein E (APOE) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), were assessed. Although data from the 48 patients who completed the study revealed no significant interaction between tea consumption and APOE or CETP genotypes, G. pentaphyllum demonstrated beneficial effects on total cholesterol and fasting blood glucose in CETP B2 carriers compared to non-B2 carriers (P=0.045 and P=0.026, respectively) and on FBG in APOE non-E4 genotypes versus those with the E4 allele (P=0.042).(67)

Immune response (adaptogen)

In vitro studies suggest G. pentaphyllum extracts have an inhibitory effect on the interleukin response to allergens.(13)

Animal data

Studies in mice and rats have demonstrated moderation of the anti-inflammatory response by the immune system. Airway hyperresponsiveness was reduced in mice,(51, 52) while thymus and spleen response to electric shock stress was muted in mice pretreated with oral extract for 14 days.(53) A protective effect against the adverse effects of cadmium on T-cell functioning has also been demonstrated in rats.(54)

Clinical data

In an older study, cancer patients given jiaogulan granules after chemotherapy showed improved immune function by several end points.(55) However, clinical data regarding the use of jiaogulan for immune effects is lacking.


Animal data

In a retinitis pigmentosa animal model, administration of gypenosides from G. pentaphyllum reduced photoreceptor cell death compared to untreated controls. The mechanism appeared to be related to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions.(70) Whereas in an optic neuritis model, gypenosides prevented structural damage of the optic nerve, which recovered to a normal state, compared to controls.(75)

Jiaogulan side effects

Severe nausea and increased bowel movements have been reported;62 however, a clinical trial using jiaogulan tea 6 g/day reported no adverse effects.43

Before taking Jiaogulan

Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Although reports specifically on jiaogulan are lacking, caution is warranted as a few isolated ginsenosides have demonstrated embryotoxicity.

How to use Jiaogulan

A dose of 3 to 9 g/day dried G. pentaphyllum leaves is recommended in traditional medicine.69 (Park, 2014)


A 20 mg tablet containing 85% gypenosides 2 to 3 times a day is referred to in some texts as a preventive dose, and 60 mg taken 2 to 3 times a day as a treatment dose.6 However, published studies to justify this dosing are lacking.

Diabetes type 2

A small (N = 24) clinical trial evaluated the effect of jiaogulan tea (aqueous extract) 6 g/day taken in divided doses twice a day 30 minutes before meals.43

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Aqueous G. pentaphyllum extract 80 mL daily over 6 months was used in a clinical study.45


225 mg twice daily for 12 weeks was used in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted in obese patients.69


Chronic toxicity of jiaogulan was investigated in Wistar rats over 6 months. Doses from 6 mg to 750 mg/kg/day of the extract of the aerial plant parts were orally administered. No differences from controls were found for hematological indices, biochemistry, or histological studies.63 The median lethal oral dose (LD50) has been reported as 49 g/kg in rats, and intraperitoneal LD50 from 1 to 2 g/kg intraperitoneally in mice.64, 65, 66

What other drugs will affect Jiaogulan

Case reports are lacking. Older studies in animals suggested both pro- and antiaggregation action on platelets.26, 27


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