
Generic name: Garcinia Mangostana
Brand names: Mangostan, Mangosteen, Purple Mangosteen

Usage of Mangosteen

Antibacterial activity

Animal and in vitro data

Mangosteen has strong antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.(Iinuma 1996) Alpha-mangostin from the stem bark of mangosteen was active against Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci and methicillin-resistant S. aureus, with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 6.25 to 12.5 mcg/mL.(Sakagami 2005) Activity against the acne-inducing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis is also documented.(Chomnawang 2005, Chomnawang 2007)

The xanthones alpha- and beta-mangostins and garcinone B isolated from the fruit hulls and the edible arils and seeds of mangosteen exhibited strong inhibitory activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with an MIC value of 6.25 mcg/mL.(Suksamrarn 2003)

Dairy cattle fed a mangosteen peel liquid added to soybean meal were found to have increased milk production as well as a reduction of methanogenic rumen bacteria.(Phesatcha 2022)

Clinical data

A small study (N=10) evaluating the nanoparticulate delivery of mangostin extract in patients with acne vulgaris caused by P. acnes noted a significant improvement in acne vulgaris after 4 weeks.(Pan-In 2015)

Antifungal effects

In vitro data

Several xanthones isolated from the fruit hulls of mangosteen have demonstrated antifungal activity against 3 phytopathogenic fungi: Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum, Alternaria tenuis, and Dreschlera oryzae.(Gopalakrishnan 1997) Mangosteen also has activity against the Dermatophytes Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum, and Epidermophyton floccosum.(Mahabusarakam 1983, Mahabusarakam 1986)

Antihistaminic activity

In vitro data

Several studies show potent inhibitory activity of mangosteen fruit extract on both Histamine release and prostaglandin E2 synthesis. In one study, a crude methanolic extract of the fruit hull of mangosteen inhibited contractions of isolated thoracic rabbit aorta induced by histamine and serotonin.(Chairungsrilerd 1996) In another study in rat glioma cells, gamma-mangostin demonstrated potent inhibitory activity of induced prostaglandin E2 synthesis.(Nakatani 2002) A pharmacological study of G. mangostana showed that alpha-mangostin is a selective and competitive H1 receptor antagonist, while gamma-mangostin is a selective and competitive 5-hydroxytriptamine2A receptor antagonist.(Chairungsrilerd 1996, Furukawa 1997) Alpha-, beta-, and gamma-mangostin suppressed the upstream degranulation (release of allergic mediators) process in rat basophilic leukemia cells.(Itoh 2008)

Anti-inflammatory activity

Reviews of the anti-inflammatory activities of mangosteen xanthones have been published.(Gutierrez-Orozco 2013, Obolskiy 2009) The relationship between nuclear factor kappa B (NF-ĸB)–mediated chronic inflammatory responses and oxidative stress present in both type 2 diabetes mellitus and beta-amyloid accumulation in Alzheimer disease could allow for the creation of a polyvalent treatment for patients with both diseases.(Ovalle-Magallanes 2017)

Animal and in vitro data

In C6 rat glioma cells, the xanthone gamma-mangostin potently inhibited prostaglandin E2 release and competitively inhibited the activities of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) and COX-2 enzymes, which are major mediators in regulating inflammation.(Nakatani 2002) Gamma-mangostin also inhibited inhibitor kappa B kinase activity associated with expression of the COX-2 enzyme.(Nakatani 2004) In addition, alpha-mangosteen has potent inhibitory activity against prostaglandin E2 release from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells.(Chen 2008) Both alpha- and gamma-mangostin inhibited nitrite production of lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophage cells.(Wang 2004) In studies of induced paw edema or asthma in rodents, positive findings were observed with mangosteen xanthones.(Gutierrez-Orozco 2013, Obolskiy 2009)

Clinical data

Mangosteen juice has been evaluated for its effect on biomarkers of inflammation, with reduced C-Reactive protein reported in 44 individuals with body mass index 30 to 45 kg/m2.(Udani 2009)

Antioxidant activity

Animal and in vitro data

The phenolic compounds from the hull of mangosteen had strong antioxidant activity in 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity assays.(Yu 2007) One study documented neuroprotective activity of extracts of the fruit hull.(Weecharangsan 2006) Similar studies document antioxidant and ferric-reducing activity of mangosteen compared with various fruits.(Okonogi 2007, Patthamakanokporn 2008) A study in rats fed high-cholesterol diets noted positive effects of mangosteen on plasma lipid levels and plasma antioxidant activity.(Leontowicz 2007) Mangosteen concentrate drink supplementation promoted antioxidant effects and lactate clearance in rats after exercise.(Chang 2020)

In another study in rats, mangosteen peel infusion, especially at a concentration of 2%, showed potential to improve liver and kidney structure and function after hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induction. This is believed to be due to various antioxidants that may scavenge free radicals produced by H2O2.(Rusman 2021)

Antiplasmodial activity

In vitro data

Prenylated xanthones from mangosteen exhibited potent antiplasmodial activity against Plasmodium falciparum.(Mahabusarakam 2006) Additionally, mangosteen rind extract demonstrated synergistic effects against P. falciparum when used with artemisinin.(Tjahjani 2017)

Antiviral activity

In vitro data

Noncompetitive inhibition against HIV-1 protease is documented for mangostin and gamma-mangostin.(Chen 1996)


Reviews on the anticancer activities of mangosteen xanthones have been published.(Gutierrez-Orozco 2013, Obolskiy 2009) Nanoformulations of alpha-mangostin offer a promising tool as a cancer drug delivery system to enhance alpha-mangostin cellular uptake, efficacy, and accumulation in cancer cells.(Meylina 2021)

Animal and in vitro data

Alpha-mangostin, mangostanol, and garcinone D extracts from the stem and root bark of G. mangostana were cytotoxic against the CEM-SS cell line.(Ee 2008, Ee 2006)

The efficacy and potency of garcinone E, a xanthone from mangosteen, was compared with 6 chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat 4 hepatoma cell lines. Garcinone E is equal to or more potent than mitoxantrone in terms of cytotoxicity against hepatoma cell lines, and may be more effective than methotrexate, vincristine, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and cisplatin.(Ho 2002) Six xanthones were extracted from the pericarps of mangosteen and examined for cell growth inhibition of the human leukemia cell line HL60. All xanthones had documented inhibitory effects on growth, but alpha-mangostin showed the most potent inhibitory activity.(Matsumoto 2003) In another study, both mangosteen peel extract and alpha-mangostin were selective for leukemia HL60 and K562 cell lines.(Novilla 2016) The mechanism of action is associated with activation ofcaspase-9 and caspase-3 (but not caspase-8) and mediation of the mitochondrial pathway during apoptosis.(Chiang 2004, Matsumoto 2004)

Alpha-mangostin inhibited growth of DLD-1 human colon cancer cells with potency similar to 5-FU. The mechanism of action of xanthones from mangosteen is associated with cell cycle arrest by affecting expression of cyclins, cdc2, and p27; G1 cell cycle arrest by alpha-mangostin and beta-mangostin; and S cycle arrest by gamma-mangostin. Alpha-mangostin also induces apoptosis that is mediated by the intrinsic pathway through mitochondria and modulates growth-related signal transduction pathways.(Akao 2008) Another study noted a synergistic growth reduction in human colon cancer DLD-1 cells with combined treatment of alpha-mangostin and 5-FU.(Nakagawa 2007)

In one study, an extract from the pericarp of mangosteen inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells through apoptosis.(Moongkarndi 2004) In another experiment, alpha-mangostin exhibited the most potent effects among the isolates studied.(Suksamrarn 2006)

In one study in mice with induced skin cancer, tumor formation and growth was suppressed and incidence reduced by alpha-mangostin.(Wang 2017) A study on pUTAtive preneoplastic lesions in rat colon carcinogenesis found that dietary administration of alpha-mangostin inhibited the development of aberrant crypt foci (P<0.05 for 0.02% crude alpha-mangostin; P<0.01 for 0.05% crude alpha-mangostin). Rats treated with 0.05% crude alpha-mangostin showed decreased dysplastic foci (P<0.05) and beta-catenin accumulated crypts (P<0.05).(Nabandith 2004)

In another study, alpha-mangostin treatment (20 mg/kg/day) significantly increased the survival rate of mice carrying mammary tumors, and greatly suppressed tumor volume and the multiplicity of lymph node metastases. In vitro studies showed that alpha-mangostin induced mitochondria-mediated apoptosis and G1- and S-phase cell cycle arrest and decreased levels of phospho-Akt-threonine 308.(Li 2017)

Cardiovascular disease

Animal and in vitro data

A study in rats documented efficacy of alpha-mangostin against cardiotoxicity and beta-adrenergic catecholamine–induced myocardial toxicity and oxidative stress.(Sampath 2008) In another study, mangostin inhibited oxidative changes in human LDL by acting as a free radical scavenger to protect LDL.(Williams 1995)

CNS effects

Research demonstrates that the neurobiological properties of the mangosteen pericarp are well aligned with the current understanding of the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Mangosteen pericarp has antioxidant, putative neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and putative mitochondrial-enhancing properties.

Animal data

Animal studies demonstrate favorable pharmacotherapeutic benefits with respect to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.(Ashton 2019)

Clinical data

A 24-week double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled efficacy trial (N=148) concluded that despite promising preclinical and clinical work, results do not support 1,000 mg/day of mangosteen pericarp extract as an adjunctive treatment for schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.(Turner 2021)

Dental health

Clinical data

A study reported clinical improvement in periodontal inflammation following topical application of mangosteen pericarp extract.(Gutierrez-Orozco 2013, Obolskiy 2009) In one study of 60 individuals with mild or moderate chronic gingivitis, an herbal mouthwash containing a pericarp extract of mangosteen had beneficial effects on volatile sulfur compound levels (compared to placebo) and plaque index and papillary bleeding index (compared to baseline), suggesting a role in treating oral malodor.(RasSAMeemasmaung 2007)

A placebo-controlled, split-mouth trial in 25 patients demonstrated clinical and antioxidant efficacy of a mangosteen 4% gel in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. After 3 months, the full-mouth plaque index and gingival bleeding index values were significantly improved. There was also a significantly greater reduction in the probing depth and relative attachment level scores compared with control.(Manjunatha 2022)

An 8-week multicentered randomized controlled clinical trial (N=104) concluded that oral administration of mangosteen and propolis extracts (MAEC) have the potential to reduce gingival inflammation clinically and immunologically in patients with gingivitis and incipient periodontitis; dosage used in the study was a single capsule containing 194 mg of MAEC daily for 8 weeks.(Park 2021)

Hepatic steatosis

Animal data

In rats with high-fat diet–induced hepatic steatosis, alpha-mangostin significantly reduced triglyceride levels.(Tsai 2016)


Animal data

In a 9-week study in rats fed a high-calorie diet, the 2 groups treated with mangosteen extract (200 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg of body weight) demonstrated reduced weight gain compared to control groups (orlistat-treated and normally fed).(Abuzaid 2016)

Clinical data

An herbal combination formulation containing extracts obtained from mangosteen and Sphaeranthus indicus has been evaluated for weight loss. Although positive findings have been reported, attributing the findings to either of the individual constituent extracts is difficult.(Kudiganti 2016, Stern 2013) Alpha-mangostin reduces tumor necrosis factor alpha in adipose tissue, which leads to amelioration of insulin sensitivity, a target for treating obesity and diabetes.(Ovalle-Magallanes 2017) A review concluded that mangosteen and its xanthones have a potential role in controlling and modifying metabolic syndrome and its related disorders (eg, obesity, disrupted lipid profile, diabetes and diabetes-related complications).(Tousian Shandiz 2017)

Osteoclast-related disease

In vitro and in vivo data

Both in vitro and in vivo, alpha-mangostin was observed to inhibit osteoclast production and reduce bone resorption.(Zhang 2022)

Prostatic hyperplasia

Animal data

In rats, mangosteen pericarp components alleviated progression of prostatic hyperplasia due to antiproliferative effects (eg, via improvement in mitochondrial function of prostate tissues); further research is needed regarding underlying mechanisms.(Tsai 2020)

Mangosteen side effects

Avoid use if hypersensitive to any constituents of mangosteen. Individuals with diabetes should be aware of the high sugar content in mangosteen juice. Theoretically, mangosteen may interfere with the action of certain chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapy.

Severe lactic acidosis was reported in a 58-year-old male ingesting mangosteen juice daily for 12 months, possibly resulting from alpha-mangostin–associated mitochondrial dysfunction.(Wong 2008)

Before taking Mangosteen

Avoid use. Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.

How to use Mangosteen

Clinical data are lacking to provide dosing recommendations. Mangosteen is available as various oral and topical formulations and has also been used as an ingredient in various nutraceutical beverages. Numerous patents exist for mangosteen nutraceutical applications in beverages,(Fugal 2006, Garrity 1996) animal products,(Wadsworth 2007) and cosmetic and dermatological preparations.(Gupta 2004, Moffett 2006)


Mangosteen products appear safe and have been well tolerated in clinical trials.(Naumann 2022)

In one experiment, the seed oil was not toxic to the liver, heart, or spleen when administered to rats. Kidney lesions observed in some rats were mild and not limited to the test rats.(Ajayi 2007) An older report showed decreased serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase levels in rodents administered mangostin.(Obolskiy 2009)

What other drugs will affect Mangosteen

Potential mangosteen components-drug interactions and adverse reactions should be considered before consumption of beverages containing mangosteen pulp and pericarps as complementary therapy, mainly regarding the potential of mangosteen juices to inhibit hepatic CYP-450 enzyme activities, thus interfering with drug metabolism.(Ovalle-Magallanes 2017)

Mangosteen products have antioxidant activity and may interact with chemotherapeutic drugs such anthracyclines, platinum compounds, and alkylating agents. Individuals taking antihistamines may note an additive effect with mangosteen.


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