
Generic name: Pelargonium Graveolens, Pelargonium Reniforme Curt., Pelargonium Sidoides DC.
Brand names: African Geranium, EPs 7630, Kaloba, Kalwerbossie, Rabassamin, Umcka, Umckabo, Umckaloaba, Zucol

Usage of Pelargonium

Numerous in vitro, animal, and clinical studies document the plant's antibacterial activity. Several fairly large clinical trials examine the plant's efficacy in treating acute bronchitis, common cold, and pharyngitis or sore throat.(Kolodziej 2003)

Acute respiratory tract infections

Clinical data

A 2007 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial conducted in adults who presented with symptoms of the common cold for 24 to 48 hours reported a significant improvement in mean symptom scores at day 5 in the P. sidoides root alcoholic liquid extract group compared to placebo (P<0.0001). Additionally, the responder rates were significantly higher with the extract than placebo for day 5 symptom score less than 7 points (42.3% vs 3.9%) and reduction in symptom score of at least 7 points (94.2% vs 43.1%), as well as day 10 clinical cure based on a symptom score of zero (63.5% vs 11.8%) and the presence of no more than 1 symptom (78.8% vs 31.4%; P<0.0001 for each). Individual symptoms including limb pain, weakness, exhaustion, and fatigue (P=0.0001 to 0.0074), as well as duration of inability to work, duration of activity limitation, and general well-being (P<0.001 to 0.008) also improved significantly in the extract group compared to controls. The extract was well tolerated with mild epistaxis in one patient considered possibly related to treatment.(Lizogub 2007)

A meta-analysis of 8 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, manufacturer-funded trials (N=746) of low to very low quality revealed effectiveness of P. sidoides (EPs 7630) alcoholic extract for relieving acute bronchitis symptoms in adults and children, and possibly sinusitis in adults as well. Very weak evidence supported effectiveness for symptom relief of acute rhinosinusitis and the common cold in adults. Formulations studied included tablets (10 to 30 mg 3 times daily × 7 days) and alcohol-extract liquid preparations (3 × 10 to 60 drops × 7 to 30 days). Adverse events were slightly higher with treatment versus placebo and none were serious (eg, GI, allergic skin reactions, urticarial).(Timmer 2013) Safety and efficacy of both the standard (30 drops 3 times daily) and high dose (60 drops 3 times daily ) of EPs 7630 were demonstrated in a phase 3 multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (N=207) that enrolled strep-negative adults with major and minor symptoms of the common cold. Both doses were well tolerated with transient mild epistaxis and mild epigastric discomfort possibly related to treatment; no serious adverse events were reported.(Riley 2018)

Antimicrobial/Antiviral activity

In vitro data

The extracts of both Pelargonium species have modest direct antibacterial activity, with isolated coumarins and phenolics having minimum inhibitory concentration values from 200 to 1,000 mcg/mL in agar dilution assays versus common test bacteria.(Kayser 1997) Unsaturated fatty acids from the roots, especially linoleic acid, had antimycobacterial activity at 2 mcg/mL in vitro.(Seidel 2004)

Immune stimulation of the host is a potential course for antimycobacterial activity. Immune stimulation by P. sidoides extracts, coumarins, and phenolics has been documented in a variety of functional assays(Kayser 2001, Kolodziej 2003) including enhancement of interferon-beta synthesis and activation of natural killer cell activity.(Koch 2002) Tannins from the plant induced nitric oxide synthase and cytokine gene expression in a macrophage-like cell line.(Kolodziej 2005) The butanol root extract has antimycobacterial activity.(Mativanlela 2007)

Ciliary beat frequency increased in a model system after exposure to EPs 7630 extract.(Neugebauer 2005) The effect was reversible and may be relevant in diverse lung and airway infections because cilia are important in removal of bacteria and foreign particulates.

EPs 7630 inhibited Helicobacter pylori growth and reduced bacterial adherence to gastric epithelial adrenogenital syndrome cells. EPs 7630 suppressed H. pylori growth in brain-heart infusion broth at a concentration of 100 mcg/mL and reduced H. pylori adherence at concentrations of 50 mcg/mL or more. The mechanism of action is primarily related to its antiadhesion activity.(Beil 2007, Wittschier 2007)

In bronChial epithelial and smooth muscle tissue samples obtained from patients with asthma or COPD as well as those from controls, EPs 7630 reduced rhinovirus infection in a concentration-Dependent manner and the expression of rhinovirus RNA. The mechanism involved both a reduction in the expression of viral docking proteins on host cells and increased expression of anti-viral host defense proteins.(Roth 2019)


A meta-analysis of 4 randomized clinical trials, including 1,647 patients, supported the plant's efficacy in reducing bronchitis symptoms. The mechanism of action is associated with EPs 7630 antagonism of bacterial adhesion to intact epithelia, leading to protection from bacteria colonization and infection in the upper respiratory tract.(Agbabiaka 2008)

Clinical data

Clinical trials of EPs 7630 in acute bronchitis have been conducted in children and adults.(Chuchalin 2005, Golovatiouk 2002, Haidvogl 1996, Matthys 2003, Matthys 2007, Matthys 2007, Schulz 2007) The primary outcome or review of efficacy for most of the trials are changes in the Bronchitis Severity Score (ie, coughing, expectoration, chest pain, dyspnea, wheezing) from baseline versus the last observation (ie, final observation typically within 1 week). Inclusion criteria involved patients diagnosed with acute bronchitis within 48 hours who were not receiving antibiotic therapy, and who had no obvious contraindications to therapy. Dosage regimens included either EPs 7630 solution (30 to 90 drops per day) or tablets (10 to 30 mg per day), or placebo for 7 days. Results document the efficacy of EPs 7630 versus placebo in reducing severity of symptoms, improving quality of life, and shortening the duration of sick leave by nearly 2 days. The therapy was well tolerated, with no serious adverse reactions during the trials examined.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Clinical data

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial enrolling 200 adults with a history of stable chronic bronchitis who experienced at least 3 exacerbations in the previous 12 months evaluated the efficacy of EPs 7630 for managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations. EPs 7630 (3 × 30 drops/day for 24 weeks) or placebo was added to standard inhalation therapy. Time to first exacerbation was significantly prolonged by a median of 14 days with EPs 7630 (P=0.005), the number of moderate versus mild exacerbations was significantly lower (P<0.0001), and fewer patients overall on the study treatment experienced exacerbations. Additionally, significantly fewer patients treated with add-on EPs 7630 required antibiotics during exacerbations compared with placebo (37.8% vs 73.3%, respectively, P<0.0001). Health status, patient satisfaction, mean number of days off work during an exacerbation (2 vs 4 days), and total number of days off work during the 24-week study (3 vs 7 days) were all significantly better with EPs 7630 versus placebo (P<0.01, P<0.0001, P=0.004, P<0.001, respectively). More adverse events (eg, GI) were experienced in the treatment group, most of which were mild and none were serious. Secondary patient-reported outcomes from this trial published 5 years later predominantly reflected significant improvement in quality of life, respiratory health, and satisfaction with EPs 7630 treatment by week 24 (P<0.001 for each). Additionally, symptom severity scores were significantly better than placebo (P=0.021).(Matthys 2013, Matthys 2018)


The mechanism of action may be associated with EPs 7630 antagonizing bacteria and virus adhesion to the tonsil surface or site of infection.(Bereznoy 2003)

Clinical data

In 2 multicenter, prospective, randomized clinical trials, EPs 7630 was more effective than placebo in the initial treatment of children (6 to 10 years of age) with acute nonstreptococcal tonsillo-pharyngitis. Patients treated with EPs 7630 had reduced severity of symptoms and shortened duration of illness by at least 2 days. The therapy also protected against complications. The treatment regimen consisted of 20 drops 3 times a day (3 mL per day), 30 minutes before or after meals for a maximum period of 6 days. No serious adverse reactions were reported.(Bereznoy 2003, Heger 2002)

Pelargonium side effects

Clinical trials enrolling nearly 2,500 adults and children document mostly allergic reactions or GI complaints (eg, gastric pain, heart burn, nausea, diarrhea); mild epistaxis has also been reported as possibly related to treatment. In Germany, pharmacovigilance studies found case reports of allergic reactions associated with the use of Pelargonium Boer 2007 Additional surveillance studies document similar results.Golovatiouk 2002

Case studies linking the use of DMAA-containing products (ie, Jack3d) to fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarctions and cerebral hemorrhage have led to these products being banned by the New Zealand Ministry of Health and from being sold in stores on military bases by the US Department of defense. Additionally, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has extended warnings to several companies to stop selling DMAA-containing products in the UK.Smith 2014

Before taking Pelargonium

Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. One report recommends caution if used during Boer 2007

How to use Pelargonium

EPs 7630 is an 11% aqueous ethanolic extract in which 100 g of finished product corresponds to 8 g of extracted plant material.Chuchalin 2005, Matthys 2003

Acute respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, common cold, COPD, pharyngitis, rhinosinusitis

EPs 7630 (alcoholic extract): Standard dose of 30 drops 3 times daily or high dose of 60 drops 3 times daily for up to 24 weeks (range, 10 to 60 drops 3 times daily from 6 days to 24 weeks).Bereznoy 2003, Heger 2002, Matthys 2013, Riley 2018, Timmer 2013 Tablet doseform: 10 to 30 mg 3 times daily for 7 days.Timmer 2013

Manufacturer dosage guidelines for Zucol suggest 3 lozenges every day for 6 days, even if symptoms are reduced.


No reports on toxic effects of EPs 7630 are available. One investigation noted weak cytotoxic effects on coumarins in 2 human cell lines (lung carcinoma GLC4 and colorectal cancer cells COLO 320). Similar results were observed in a Salmonella reversion test. The toxic potential was classified as safe according to results from an assay on Artemia salina (brine shrimp) using extracts of EPs 7630.

What other drugs will affect Pelargonium

An interaction may be possible when patients are receiving anticoagulant medications (eg, warfarin) or antiplatelet drugs (eg, aspirin). However, a study in rats documented no pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interactions between EPs 7630 and Boer 2007, Koch 2007


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