Witch Hazel

Generic name: Hamamelis Virginiana L.
Brand names: Cortex Hamamelis, Folium Hamamelis, Hamamelis, Hamamelis Water, Magician's Rod, Snapping Hazel, Spotted Alder, Tobacco Wood, White Hazel, Winter Bloom, Witch Hazel

Usage of Witch Hazel


Animal data

In vitro studies have shown antibacterial properties of the plant extract (both leaf and bark) versus EscheriChia coli, Staphylococcus aureus (including resistant strains), Bacillus subtilis, and Enterococcus faecalis.Kiran 2008, WHO 2004 Activity against periodontopathic bacteria has also been reported.Iauk 2003

Clinical data

Clinical trials are lacking. In healthy volunteers, a distillate of Hamamelis demonstrated weak topical antibacterial activity.Gloor 2002 Antiviral effects in herpes labialis were reported in a clinical trial of Hamamelis ointment compared with placebo; however, a reduction in inflammation was only noted on day 8.WHO 2004

Dermatological uses

Hamamelis preparations are commonly used for dermatological conditions in several countries; however, quality clinical studies supporting these uses are lacking.Chevallier 1996, WHO 2004

Animal data

Animal models have been used to demonstrate astringent and hemostatic properties of the plant extracts. At lower concentrations, Hamamelis extracts decreased cell permeability, while at higher concentrations, a healing effect was produced by influence on proteins and colloidal tissue.Bate-Smith 1973, WHO 2004 Fluid extracts administered parenterally to rabbits were also vasoconstrictive, Bernard 1972, WHO 2004 reducing suppuration in purulent skin.WHO 2004

Clinical data

Older, uncontrolled clinical studies evaluated the efficacy of Hamamelis preparations in anorectal conditions (eg, hemorrhoids). Equivalence with bismuth subgallate has been shown.Weiner 1983, WHO 2004

In healthy volunteers, topical extracts of Hamamelis reduced the erythema consequent to ultraviolet (UV) and chemical irritation to a lesser extent than hydrocortisone 1%, but greater than the antiHistamine (dimethindene).Deters 2001, Hughes-FormElla 2002, Reuter 2010, WHO 2004 In an open-label study, Hamamelis 6.25% ointment was effective in reducing symptoms related to minor skin injuries, diaper dermatitis, and localized inflammation of the skin in children.Wolff 2007

Limited clinical studies exist on the use of Hamamelis ointment in managing eczema. Results of these studies are equivocal, with some reporting no difference in Hamamelis ointment over placebo.WHO 2004, Yates 2009 Polyphenols from Hamamelis have been used in collagen sponges in studies on long-term wound healing.Francesko 2011

Other uses

Witch Hazel was one of the 3 most common herbs used by certified or licensed midwives for perineal healing and discomfort based on state-wide surveys in California, Texas, and North Carolina.Dennehy 2010 Hamamelis cream has been used as an analgesic following episiotomy or perineal trauma following childbirth; no difference in pain relief or additional analgesic use was observed between use of witch hazel and an ice pack.East 2007, East 2012, WHO 2004

Antioxidant properties have been described for Hamamelis extracts.Choi 2002, WHO 2004 This line of study is in the context of antiaging dermatological preparations; however, the activity of witch hazel appears lower compared with other preparations.Thring 2009, Touriño 2008

H. virginiana mouthwash was much less effective at reducing tooth biofilm and plaque compared to other agents tested in a 4-week randomized blind study (n=50). Chlorhexidine gluconate, cetylpyridinium chloride, and triclosan reduced mean plaque index values significantly (range, 66% to 69% at baseline to 13% to 32%), whereas H. virginiana produced a much smaller reduction (71% to 59%).Mouchrek 2015

Fractions of Hamamelis extracts have been evaluated in vitro for antitumor and UV protective activity.Dauer 2003, Habtemariam 2002, Lizárraga 2008

Prevention of purpuric lesions associated with tattooed skin by incorporating witch hazel into tattoo ink has also been suggested in a case study.Pinal-Fernandez 2014

Witch Hazel side effects

Although tannins are not usually absorbed following oral administration, doses of Hamamelis extracts 1 g have caused nausea, vomiting, or constipation. Hepatic damage may occur if the tannins are absorbed to an appreciable extent.Bisset 1994, Spoerke 1980 Witch hazel water is not intended for internal use. Teas can be brewed from leaves and twigs commercially available in some health food stores, but their safety is unknown.

Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported, and cross-sensitivity to Compositae plants (including arnica and Chamomile) is possible.Granlund 1994, Paulsen 2008, WHO 2004

Before taking Witch Hazel

Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.WHO 2004

How to use Witch Hazel


Steam distillates of Hamamelis are used diluted (1:3 with water) or undiluted, and in semisolid preparations at 5% to 10% of crude drug.Blumenthal 2000, WHO 2004


Suppositories containing witch hazel contain 0.1 to 1 g/dose.Blumenthal 2000, WHO 2004


Not recommended.Blumenthal 2000, WHO 2004


Information is generally lacking. Aqueous extract of Hamamelis leaves were not carcinogenic to rodents when administered suBCUTAneously.WHO 2004 Although the volatile oil contains the carcinogen safrole, it is found in much smaller quantities than in Sassafras.Duke 1985 Extracts of witch hazel are available commercially; however, it is not recommended that they be taken internally because the toxicity of the tannins has not been well defined.Newall 1996 Witch hazel accounted for 6% of reported adverse events to the California Poison Control System from January 1997 to June 1998.Yang 2002

What other drugs will affect Witch Hazel

None well documented.


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