Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Protect Your Eyes From Summer's Dangers

but simple steps can cut your risk

FDA Approves Generic Emflaza Oral Suspension for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first generic version of Emflaza (deflazacort) oral suspension for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).Defl

Past-Year Pap Testing Rates Were Lower in 2022 Than 2019

Past-year Papanicolaou testing rates were lower in 2022 than in 2019, overall, and lower rates were seen in rural versus urban women, according to a study publi

Positive Family Relationships May Protect Against Pain in Older Adults

Family support may protect against pain incidence and persistence among aging African Americans, according to a study published online May 20 in the Journals of

Just 1 in 20 Animal Studies Yield Treatments That Make it to Humans

Animal studies are often considered a first step in finding new drugs and treatments for human diseases, but a new review has discovered that precious few actua

Preoxygenation With Noninvasive Ventilation Yields Lower Hypoxemia

For critically ill adults undergoing tracheal intubation, preoxygenation with noninvasive ventilation results in lower incidence of hypoxemia than preoxygenatio

First Responders With More Debris Exposure Have Higher Risk of Early Dementia

More severe exposure to dust or debris among World Trade Center (WTC) responders is significantly associated with a higher risk of dementia at 65 years, accordi

Midlife Inflammation Tied to Slowing of Gait Speed in Later Life

Inflammation in midlife may contribute to clinically meaningful late-life slowing of gait speed, according to a study published online June 12 in the Journal of

'Good Days and Bad:' Catherine, Princess of Wales, Gives Cancer Update

Catherine, Princess of Wales, has released the first update on her cancer journey since announcing her diagnosis in late March.In a message posted to her Instag

Neighborhood Deprivation Only Tied to Breast Cancer Mortality for White Women

Factors aside from neighborhood deprivation are responsible for increased breast cancer mortality among Black women, according to a study published online June

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