Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Incomplete Recovery Rates Similar for Sports-Related, Non-Sports-Related TBI

Rates of incomplete recovery at six months are similar for patients presenting to the hospital with concussion, regardless of whether it is sports-related or no

In Utero Rx Stimulant Exposure Not Tied to Later Neurodevelopmental Issues

Amphetamine dextroamphetamine and methylphenidate exposure in utero does not appear to increase the risk for childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, according t

Radon Exposure Linked to Increased Risk for Stroke in Women

Among middle-aged and older women, radon exposure is associated with a moderately increased risk for stroke, according to a study published online Jan. 31 in Ne

Pandemic Tied to Worsening of Diabetes Outcomes

COVID-19 pandemic disruptions had a fairly negative impact on diabetes outcomes, according to a study published in the February issue of The Lancet Diabetes End

Women Have Greater Mortality With Alcohol-Related Liver Disease

Women with fatty liver disease related to alcohol consumption have almost twice the risk for dying within a certain time period than men with the same condition

Lower Cognitive Performance Not Uncommon in Women With PCOS

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have lower cognitive performance and lower white matter integrity in midlife, according to a study published online

CDC: Shift Toward Shorter Gestational Age Seen From 2014 to 2022

and among late- and postterm births, the authors write.Abstract Full Text

Common Gynecologic Condition Tied to Cognitive Issues

for example, responding red when seeing the word blue printed in red ink.In that test, women with polycystic ovary syndrome scored about 11 lower than other wom

Odds for Dementia Nearly Triple in the Year After a Stroke

A person s odds for a dementia diagnosis nearly triple in the first year after a stroke, new research shows.This post-stroke spike in dementia risk does subside

Nerve Zaps Plus Intense Rehab Can Help Stroke Survivors Use Hands, Arms Again

continue to improve and not show a decline. She said it s important for stroke survivors to not give up on hope of recovery. Often after a stroke, people don t

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