Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake More Likely in Pregnancy if Receiving Other Vaccines

Pregnant patients are more likely to accept COVID-19 vaccination if they receive other routine vaccines during pregnancy, according to a study published in the

>30 Percent With Migraine Experience Migraine-Related Stigma Often

More than 30 percent of individuals with migraine experience migraine-related stigma often or very often, according to a study published online Jan. 17 in Neuro

Vascular Changes Persist After Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) may be associated with an increased risk for future cardiovascular complications due to significant persis

Cardio or Resistance Workouts: Is There a Best Combo for Your Heart?

blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and body fat.The aerobic and the combined workout groups both wound up with a lower score on those heart disease risk f

Palliative Care Works, Even When Delivered By Phone

six calls with a nurse to help with symptom management and six calls with a social worker to provide therapy and support.The nurse and social worker met regular

Charcuterie Meat Recall Expands as Salmonella Cases Double

Cases of salmonella linked to recalled charcuterie meats have doubled in just over two weeks, triggering an expansion of the recall, the U.S. Centers for Diseas

King Charles to Undergo Common, Safe Prostate Surgery

Britain s King Charles III is expected undergo surgery next week to correct an enlarged prostate, and experts say these procedures are common in older men and s

When Weight Loss Cures Diabetes, Risks for Heart Disease Tumble, Too

Folks who drop pounds to help control their diabetes receive other substantial heath benefits for all their efforts, a new study says.Substantial weight loss th

1991 to 2021 Saw Drop in Cigarette Use Among Adolescents

From 1991 to 2021, there was a large and significant decrease in cigarette use among U.S. adolescents in high school, according to a study published in the Dece

Risk for Cancer Increased for Relatives of Patients With Leukemia

Relatives of patients with myelodysplastic neoplasia (MDS), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have an increased risk for cance

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