Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Quaker Oats Widens Recall of Granola Bars, Cereals Linked to Salmonella Risk

The Quaker Oats Co has widened a recall of granola bars and cereals that was first announced in December, adding more products that may potentially be contamina

Cosmetic Procedure in Your Plans for '24? An Expert Offers Advice

More than a few folks are considering a cosmetic skin procedure to enhance their looks heading into 2024. Botox, fillers and lasers are common means to sculpt a

A 'Universal' COVID Vaccine Could Save Billions If Another Pandemic Strikes

A universal coronavirus vaccine could have saved millions of lives and billions of dollars if one had been available prior to the pandemic, a new study argues.

Rate of Twin Births Increased in Pregnancies With Higher BMI

The rate of twin deliveries increased with increasing body mass index (BMI), and part of this association was explained by higher use of assisted reproductive t

Perinatal Depression Triples Risk for Suicidal Behavior

Mothers with clinically diagnosed perinatal depression (PND) had a three times higher risk for suicidal behavior than mothers without perinatal depression, acco

AI Can Improve Identification of Social Determinants of Health in EHRs

Large language models (LLMs) can potentially improve the identification of social determinants of health (SDoH) in electronic health records (EHRs), according t

Clinical Breast Exam Rarely Detects Second Breast Cancer After DCIS

For patients undergoing surveillance following diagnosis and treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), very few second breast cancers are detected by clinic

Race Still Plays Role in U.S. Cancer Death Rates

While cancer death rates have fallen among Americans generally over the past two decades, a new study finds Black Americans are still more likely than whites to

Vegetarian Diet Tied to Lower COVID-19 Incidence

A vegetarian diet is associated with a lower incidence of COVID-19 infection, according to a study published online Jan. 9 in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention Health.

Treatment Approach Effective When Surgery Not an Option for Lung Cancer

investigators found that delivering higher but less frequent doses of radiation therapy, along with standard chemotherapy, upped survival rates in these cases.

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