Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Paxlovid Won't Cut Odds for Long COVID: Study

Paxlovid might help shorten and diminish a COVID infection, but the antiviral doesn t reduce the risk of developing long COVID, a new study shows. About 16 of C

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Phenotypes Vary by Race, Birthplace

For patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), phenotype varies by race, and foreign-born patients of all races have later onset and milder disease, accord

Moderate-to-Vigorous Exercise Can Delay Mortality in Inoperable Lung Cancer

Higher device-measured moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) is associated with reduced 12-month mortality in people newly diagnosed with ino

Too Much Screen Time Might Harm Kids' 'Sensory Processing'

Exposing babies and toddlers to TV and other digital media could be linked to a heightened risk for dysfunction in what s known as sensory processing, a new stu

Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Boosts Methadone Treatment

Telehealth-delivered mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement (MORE) is a feasible and effective adjunct to methadone treatment (MT) for individuals with opioi

Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Predicts Intracranial Hemorrhage With Antithrombotics

Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) predicts intracranial hemorrhage for patients with cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease taking antithrombotic therapy,

Integration of Medicaid Physical, Mental Health Does Not Aid Outcomes

Financial integration of mental and physical health care at the managed care organization level is not associated with significant changes in most measures of u

Ear Infections Could Delay a Child's Speech

Ear infections are common for kids, but they can lead to long-term developmental problems, a new study finds.Temporary hearing loss caused by recurring ear infe

Got a Shameful Secret? Sharing It May Not Be as Tough as You Think

or serious, like confessing to infidelity. Even with darker secrets, participants overestimated their confidante s response. The magnitude of what you re reveal

Will Weed Help Your Workout?

Using marijuana can help folks better enjoy a good workout, but it s not going to boost their athletic performance, a new study has found.A small group of runne

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