Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Placental Swabs Yield Highest Number of Potential Pathogens

Among microbial specimen types examined in a maternity hospital, placental swabs yield the highest number of potential pathogens, according to a study published

New Clues To Origins of Lower Back Pain

Some people might be prone to low back pain because of specific cells contained in their spinal disks, a new study suggests. The research could explain why only

Hospital Costs Soared for COVID Patients During Pandemic

The average cost of hospital care for COVID-19 patients skyrocketed during the pandemic, outstripping what might be expected under inflation, a new study shows.

Here's the Ideal Salad for Men on Long Spaceflights

A tasty vegetarian salad could be the fresh meal that fuels a space flight to Mars, a new study contends. Researchers came up with the salad while searching for

2016 to 2020 Saw Rise in Against-Medical-Advice Discharges for Opioid Admissions

Before-medically-advised (BMA) discharges increased to one in six patients from 2016 to 2020 for admissions with opioid use disorder (OUD) and an injection-rela

Antivirals Aid HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Patients

Continuous nucleos(t)ide analog treatment is effective in lowering the risk for liver cirrhosis in hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-negative chronic hepatitis B pa

For Black Teens, Online Racial Discrimination Tied to PTSD Symptoms

For Black adolescents, individual online racial discrimination is associated with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and these symptoms are associated with

Incidence of Pediatric UTI Decreased in Early Pandemic Period

The incidence of pediatric urinary tract infection (UTI) decreased during the early prepandemic period, with no increase in disease severity, according to a stu

Mean Adjusted Cost of Inpatient Stay for COVID-19 Was $11,275 Overall

The adjusted mean cost of an inpatient stay for treating COVID-19 was 11,275 overall, with higher mean costs for those with specific comorbidities, according to

Black Patients Less Likely to Receive Home Health Care

Despite similar hospital discharge readiness scores, Black patients are less likely to be discharged with home health care (HHC) than White patients, according

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