Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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pH-Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance Monitoring Can ID GERD

For preschool-aged children, pH-multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) monitoring is useful for diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)-related whe

Biological Agent Trials for Psoriasis Rarely Include Patient Images

Few randomized controlled trials involving biological agents for psoriasis treatment include patient images, according to a review published online Nov. 15 in t

Placental Group B Strep Tied to Neonatal Unit Admission in Infants Born at Term

Detection of Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus GBS) in the placenta is associated with an increased risk for neonatal unit (NNU) admission, accord

MRI Can Differentiate Meniere Disease From Menieriform Diseases

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can differentiate Meniere disease (MD) from other menieriform diseases, according to a study published online Dec. 6 in Scienti

High Levels of HDL Cholesterol Tied to Higher Dementia Risk

Elevated levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are associated with an increased risk for all-cause dementia, according to a study published onl

Nearly Half of U.S. COVID-19 Cases Now Caused by JN.1 Variant

The JN.1 variant, a descendant of the variant BA.2.86, now accounts for 44 percent of COVID-19 cases, up from roughly 7 percent in late November, the latest dat

Lower Rate of Complications Seen With Recent Abdominoplasties

In recent years, the rates of complications and revision surgery for abdominoplasties have decreased, according to a study published in the January issue of Pla

Anxiety, Depression Do Not Cause Meniere Disease, or Vice Versa

Anxiety and depression do not cause Meniere disease (MD), or vice versa, but elevated neuroticism is causative for anxiety, depression, and MD, according to a s

One in Eight Older Adults Reports Using Cannabis in Past Year

One in eight U.S. adults aged 50 to 80 years reports using cannabis in the past year, according to a study published online Nov. 20 in Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Modifiable Risk Factors Tied to Young-Onset Dementia

Several modifiable factors are associated with a higher risk for young-onset dementia (YOD), according to a study published online Dec. 26 in JAMA Neurology.Ste

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