Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Depression, Anxiety Common in Caregivers of Stroke Survivors

Anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress are common among people caring for the victim of a recent stroke, a new study has found.Nearly 30 of caregivers of

WHO Declares JN.1 a COVID Variant of Interest as It Spreads Widely

The new COVID variant known as JN.1 was named a variant of interest by the World Health Organization on Tuesday, which means health officials are now closely tr

The 'Most Wonderful' Time? Maybe Not, Say Holiday-Stressed Americans

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 20, 2023 What s even more nerve-wracking than paying taxes The holidays, according to a majority of Americans, who say it takes them weeks to re

FDA: Lead Levels in Tainted Applesauce 2,000 Times Higher Than Proposed Standards

Weis, WanaBana, and Schnucks. Each is tied to the same manufacturing facility in Ecuador, which the FDA said it is now inspecting. According to Politico, the FD

Four People Have Died From Salmonella-Tainted Cantaloupe in the United States

In an outbreak of Salmonella illness tied to cantaloupes that began last month, 302 people in 42 states have now fallen ill. As of Dec. 15, four people had died

Most U.S. Adults Unaware of Forever Chemicals

Three-quarters of U.S. adults do not know what forever chemicals are, according to a study published online Nov. 16 in PLOS ONE.T. Allen Berthold, Ph.D., from T

COVID Likely Paralyzed a Teen's Vocal Cords, Doctors Say

COVID-19 appears to have paralyzed a teen girl s vocal cords, blocking her breathing to the point that surgery was required, a new case report says.The case sug

Experimental Drug Could Be Big Advance Against Kidney Disease

Early results from a trial of a new kidney disease medication show it significantly reduces levels of a urine marker of kidney damage. cut levels of the liver p

Racial Differences Seen in Receipt of Lifesaving Stroke Treatments

Black patients with acute ischemic stroke are significantly less likely to receive tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) than W

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