Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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AAP: Pediatric Heat-Related ED Visits Increased 170 Percent Over Last Decade

Pediatric heat-related illness emergency department volume is associated with higher temperatures and is increasing over time, according to a study presented at

FDA Approves, Cobenfy, a New Kind of Drug for Schizophrenia

The first new type of medication in decades to help fight against schizophrenia was approved on Thursday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Cobenfy (xano

U.S. Preterm Births Are on the Rise

Over the past decade, rates of preterm birth in the United States jumped more than 10 , a new study of more than 5 million births shows. The rise dovetailed wit

Metabolic Surgery Is Renoprotective in Patients With Obesity, CKD

For patients with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 20 to 60 mL min 1.73 m2, metabolic surgery is associated with a lowe

Type 2 Diabetes Incidence Up With Higher Intake of Ultraprocessed Food

A higher intake of ultraprocessed food (UPF) is associated with an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, according to a study published online Sept.

Omitting Biopsy With Negative MRI Reduces Detection of Clinically Insignificant Prostate Cancer

Omitting biopsy in patients with negative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results is associated with a significantly reduced relative risk for detecting clinic

Casual Blood Glucose Testing Misses ~70 Percent of Gestational Diabetes Cases

Casual blood glucose (CBG) testing at 24 to 28 gestational weeks misses about 70 percent of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), according to a study

Aggressive, Early Disease-Modifying Therapy May Slow MS Progression

Reducing or preventing paramagnetic rim lesions (PRLs) could significantly slow multiple sclerosis (MS) progression, according to a study presented at the annua

Grandma, the Family Dog: Unexpected Sources of Opioid Tragedies for Young Kids

but not the only one. Kids got access to used fentanyl patches, illicit drug paraphernalia and even traces of opioids left on discarded tissues and cotton balls

Could Fertility Treatments Raise Heart Defect Risks in Babies?

1.84 compared to 1.15 . The risk was greater for multiple births after assisted reproduction 2.47 versus 1.62 for single births.The findings were recently publi

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