Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Many Former NFL Players Believe They Have CTE, Raising Suicide Risk

One in three former NFL players believe they have football-related brain damage that s doing untold harm to their lives, a new study finds. Unfortunately, their

Pomalidomide Efficacious in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

For patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), pomalidomide yields a significant reduction in epistaxis severity, according to a study published

Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease Higher for Seniors With Cancer

The incidence of a composite cardiovascular disease (CVD) end point is increased among older adults with cancer, especially those with metastatic, hematological

Higher Burden of Comorbidity Linked to Worse Clinical Outcomes in MS

For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a higher burden of comorbidity is associated with worse clinical outcomes, according to a study published online Sept.

'Before Medically Advised' Discharge Linked to Risk for Overdose

Before medically advised (BMA) discharge from the hospital is associated with an increased risk for subsequent drug overdose, according to a study published onl

Partner's Adult ADHD Can Harm a Woman's Mental Health

tended to have less depression and better quality of life, despite having a partner with ADHD.The new study was published recently in the Journal of Attention D

Sometimes Kidney Stones Need a Little Nudge, Study Finds

the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.Once near the ureters, the fragments are more likely to be naturally expelled, sometimes the next tim

Psilocybin Equals or Exceeds SSRI Antidepressants at Easing Depression

Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, appears to ease depression symptoms at least as well as one of the most commonly used antidepressants, a n

Climate Change Could Triple U.S. Heat Deaths by Mid-Century

If global warming is left largely unchecked, the number of Americans who succumb to extreme heat will triple by mid-century, new projections estimate.These deat

Second Health Care Worker Linked to Missouri Bird Flu Case Also Had Symptoms: CDC

Another health care worker who was exposed to a Missouri patient who tested positive for bird flu developed respiratory symptoms but wasn t tested for the flu,

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