Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

AI Could Predict a Nonsmoker's Risk for Lung Cancer

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help assess lung cancer risk in nonsmokers, a new study shows.The CXR-Lung-Risk AI program evaluates routine chest X-ray images

Charity Scams Get Active Over the Holidays: Expert Tips to Avoid Them

Abandoned animals, kids with cancer, disabled veterans These and other pitches for charity can move your emotions and have you reaching for your credit card. Bu

Breast Cancer Rates Higher in Urban vs. Rural Areas

Environmental contaminants may be driving higher rates of breast cancer in urban areas compared to rural locales, a new North Carolina study finds. Our analyses

Mexican Americans Face Higher Odds for Liver Cancer With Each New Generation

may play a role in liver cancer risks for Mexican-Americans, these factors alone do not entirely account for the increased risk of liver cancer as generations p

Too Few Seniors Get Follow-up Care After a Serious Fall

Four of every 10 American seniors who suffer a fall and end up in the ER with head trauma get no follow-up care once they go home, a new study finds. Only 59 pe

Listeria Outbreak Tied to Peaches, Plums Results in One Death, 10 Hospitalizations

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that peaches, nectarines, and plums tainted with Listeria have caused one death and one premature bi

Mild Cognitive Impairment Underdiagnosed

Mild cognitive impairment is underdiagnosed, with only 0.1 percent of clinicians and practices with diagnosis rates within the expected range, according to a st

ACR: App Helps Manage Fibromyalgia Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

A smartphone-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) app may help patients manage fibromyalgia (FM), according to a study presented at the annual meeting

People With Severe Mental Illness Experienced Increased COVID-19 Mortality

People living with severe mental illness (SMI) experienced substantial inequalities in mortality outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study pub

2015 to 2018 Hypertension Prevalence Nearly 50 Percent in the United States

The prevalence of stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension in 2015 to 2018 was 44.2 percent in Los Angeles (LA) County and 47.3 percent in the United States, according

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