Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Psychosocial Stressors at Work Linked to Increased Risk for A-Fib

Psychosocial stressors at work, defined by job strain and effort-reward imbalance (ERI) at work, are associated with an increased risk for atrial fibrillation (

Most Patients With MS Have No Risk for Relapse After COVID-19 Vaccination

For most patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), there is no increased risk for relapse after COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study published online Aug. 14

Breast Cancer Screening Attendance Helps Boost Other Cancer Screenings

Offering self-sampling kits to women overdue for cervical cancer (CC) or colorectal cancer (CRC) screening when they attend breast cancer (BC) screening can res

Vaccines for Children Program Has Increased Coverage, but Gaps Remain

The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, which provides recommended vaccines at no cost to eligible children, has increased childhood vaccination coverage, but

Risk for Alzheimer Dementia Lower With Treated Versus Untreated HTN

Individuals with treated hypertension have a reduced risk for Alzheimer dementia (AD) compared with those with untreated hypertension, according to research pub

Not Born Equal: Preemie Babies Fall Into 3 Risk Categories

Not all babies born prematurely will suffer long-term developmental problems, a new study finds. Preemies tend to fall into three risk categories, with about on

Pain Diagnoses Seen for Most Patients With Cerebral Palsy

Most patients (89.0 percent) with cerebral palsy (CP) have one or more documented pain diagnoses, according to a research letter published online Aug. 5 in JAMA

Implant Automatically Releases Naloxone to Reverse Opioid Overdose

A new implant could help prevent overdose deaths by automatically administering the OD-reversing drug naloxone, a new study shows. The implant, about the size o

Cost of Health Care Is Big Concern for Voters Over 50

Older voters are keenly interested in the cost of health care, a new survey has found. Five of the top six health issues among older adults have to do with heal

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