Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Brain Study Shows How Classical Music Lifts Your Mood

Does listening to classical music make you feel sublime A new study suggests there might be a scientific reason for that Researchers discovered that the music l

Posterior Surgery Noninferior to Anterior for Cervical Radiculopathy

For patients with cervical radiculopathy, posterior surgery is noninferior to anterior surgery with respect to success rate and reduction in arm pain, according

Getting Fats From Plants Vs. Animals Boosts Your Life Span

A study of more than 400,000 people tracked for up to 24 years finds that those who got their dietary fat from plants versus animals had significantly lower odd

More Toddler Screen Time Brings More Tantrums, Study Finds

Using tablets as e-babysitters for toddlers could lead to more tantrums, which in turn can have harried parents trying to calm a child by handing them a tablet,

Reduction in Drug-Related Overdoses Associated With Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance (UI), operationalized as the weekly benefit allowance (WBA) replacement rate, is associated with a lower risk for drug-related overdose,

BoNT-A Does Not Affect Gross Energy Cost of Walking in Cerebral Palsy

For children with cerebral palsy (CP), a single injection of botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT-A) into the calf muscles does not affect the gross energy cost of walk

Causal Relationship Seen for RA and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

There is a positive causal association for rheumatoid arthritis and adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs), according to a study published online July 31 in BMC Preg

Substantial Disparities Seen in Cancer Cases, Deaths Among Men

There are substantial disparities in cancer cases and deaths among men, which are projected to widen by 2050, according to a study published online Aug. 12 in C

Risks for Mortality, Adverse Heart, Kidney Events Lower With Tirzepatide for T2DM

For patients with type 2 diabetes, treatment with tirzepatide (a dual glucagon-like peptide 1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor agonist)

Obamacare Boosted New Moms' Access to Mental Health Care

Pregnant women and new moms have better access to treatment for mood disorders, thanks to Obamacare, a new study finds.More women received treatment for their p

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