Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Most U.S. Firearm Owners Motivated by Protection

Protection was the dominant reason for U.S. firearm ownership in 2023, according to a study published online July 25 in Injury Prevention.Michelle Degli Esposti

Predictors of Nocturnal Enuresis Include Stressful Events, Toilet Training Practices

Child sex, toilet training practices, drinking caffeine before bed, and stressful events are predictors of nocturnal enuresis in children, according to a study

Study Examines Trends in Esophageal Cancer Disparities Over Time

From 1999 to 2020, age-adjusted esophageal cancer mortality decreased among Black adults but stabilized among White adults, reducing the racial mortality gap, a

58.7 Percent of U.S. Adults Walked for Leisure in Past Week in 2022

In 2022, 58.7 percent of adults walked for leisure in the past seven days and 16.2 percent of adults walked for transportation, according to a July data brief p

Most Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors Not Linked to Migraine

For women, many traditional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) are inversely associated with migraine risk, according to a study published online July 31 in Ne

Methotrexate Beneficial for Reducing Pain, Stiffness in Knee Osteoarthritis

For patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA), methotrexate added to usual medication is associated with a significant reduction in pain and improvement in stiffn

Vigorous Exercise Does Not Increase Long QTS-Associated Cardiac Event Rate

For individuals with phenotypic or genotypic long-QT syndrome (LQTS), LQTS-associated cardiac event rates are low and do not differ for those exercising vigorou

Some Americans Lost Trust in Medical Profession During Pandemic

The number of people who trust doctors dropped steeply during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study says. Worse, those who lost their faith in medicine are less li

Eating Less Processed Red Meat Could Cut Your Odds for Dementia

Skip the bacon and those holiday hot dogs A new study finds eating processed red meats raises your odds for dementia. Overall, just two servings per week of pro

Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors May Cut Risk for Liver Cancer

The use of cholesterol absorption inhibitors is associated with a reduced risk for liver cancer, according to a study published online July 29 in Cancer.Shahria

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