Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Stress Main Factor Driving Teens to Abuse Drugs, Alcohol

American teenagers cite stress as the leading reason they might get drunk or high, a new report reveals.That only underscores the need for better adolescent men

Use It or Lose It? Mouse Study Reveals Key to Healthy Erections

they have a bone in their penis, added G ritz, who is a senior researcher at Karolinska s department of cell and molecular biology. This means that effective bl

Murder Rate for U.S. Black Women Is 6 Times That of Whites

to include in the study.Results were produced for five time periods 1999-2003, 2004-2008, 2009-2013, 2014-2018 and 2019-2020.Black women consistently had higher

Motivations for Substance Use in Teens Mainly Linked to Reducing Stress

The motivations underlying substance use among adolescents are mainly related to reducing stress, according to research published in the Feb. 8 issue of the U.S

About One-Third With Cancer Have Had Previous Major Adverse Financial Event

About one-third of patients newly diagnosed with cancer reported having a major adverse financial event (AFE) before diagnosis, and those with previous AFEs are

Dr. Anthony Fauci to Publish Memoir 'On Call' in June

that Fauci will be most remembered for, be it good or bad. While many Americans revere Fauci as the science-driven voice of reason that helped shepherd a bewild

Your Brain Finds Ways to Compensate Against Age-Related Decline

No one s brain is as sharp at 60 as it was at 20. However, new research supports the notion that folk s brains can make subtle adjustments with age to compensat

Adding Blood Thinners to Clot-Busting Meds Won't Improve Stroke Outcomes: Study

Adding blood thinners to clot-busting drugs does not improve outcomes for stroke patients, a new study claims. Doctors had hoped that combining the two types of

Murder, Suicide Claim More Years of Life Among U.S. Minorities Than Whites

People of color in the United States lose more potential years of life to murder and suicide than whites, a new study concludes. On average, Hispanic, Asian and

CDC Investigating Illness Outbreak on Luxury Cruise Ship

The U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention is investigating an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness aboard a luxury cruise ship that sailed out of San F

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