Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Shock Wave Therapy + Local Vibration Beneficial for Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

For patients with chronic plantar fasciitis, extracorporeal shock wave therapy combined with local vibration (ESWT-LV) is effective compared with ESWT alone, ac

U.S. Syphilis Cases Continue to Climb

U.S. cases of syphilis have soared past numbers seen just a decade ago, new government statistics show. The grim numbers are for 2022, the latest year for which

Experimental Pain Med Could Give Patients New Option to Opioids

The first new kind of pain medication in over two decades could be on the horizon for patients, with promising results announced Tuesday from a company trial. F

Cost, Job Worries Have Many Americans Postponing Surgeries

Older adults frequently delay needed surgery because of financial concerns, a new study finds. Nearly half of people ages 50 and older who were very concerned a

Adverse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Up for Moderate, Late Preemies

Children born moderately or late preterm have increased risks for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, including motor, cognitive, epileptic, visual, and hearin

Diabetes Risk in Overweight, Obese Teens Varies Substantially by Baseline HbA1c

Five-year diabetes risk among teens with overweight or obesity varies substantially by baseline HbA1c levels, according to a study published online Jan. 17 in J

Risk for Suicidal Thoughts Increased in Teens With Persistent Withdrawn Behaviors

Persistent withdrawn symptoms and increasing somatic symptoms during early to mid adolescence are associated with an increased risk for suicidal thoughts in mid

Living Kidney Donors Have Lower Rates of Fractures Overall

During a mean follow-up of 25 years, living kidney donors have a lower rate of overall fractures compared with eligible nondonor controls, according to a study

Strategies Needed to Improve Delivery of Alzheimer Disease-Modifying Therapies

Strategies are needed to improve the delivery of Alzheimer disease (AD) disease-modifying therapies (DMTs), according to a report published online Jan. 30 by th

Ozone-Linked Deaths on the Rise Globally

the number of ozone-related excess deaths divided by total deaths. In all four of the climate scenarios we studied, only the scenario that aligns with the Paris

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