Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Telehealth Effective for Nutrition Therapy in Patients With Hyperlipidemia

Telehealth may be an effective means to increase access to medical nutrition therapy for patients with hyperlipidemia, according to a study published online Nov

Bipolar Disorder Increases Odds of Mortality More Than Smoking

Bipolar disorder (BD) increases the odds of mortality more than a history of smoking, according to a study published in the December issue of Psychiatry Researc

State Variance Seen in Requirements to Report Medically Impaired Drivers

There is considerable variance in state reporting requirements regarding medically impaired drivers, according to a study published online Jan. 5 in JAMA Networ

Racial Disparities Persist in General Anesthesia Rates for C-Section

Racial disparities in the rates of general anesthesia use persist among patients undergoing cesarean delivery, according to a study published online Jan. 9 in J

U.S. Has Seen Steady Rise in Role of Alcohol, Drugs in Heart Deaths

Heart disease deaths linked with alcohol or drug use have been steadily increasing in the United States, a new study has found.Deaths from heart disease in whic

Hormonal Changes May Help Trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women

were 33 years or less, she faced a 39 higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis compared to women with more reproductive years, the team added.Hysterectomy or oophor

Meat-Free Diet Could Cut Your Risk for COVID

Vegetarian diets have been tied to a variety of health benefits lower blood pressure, better blood sugar control and weight loss among them.Now a new study sugg

Despite Complications After Prostate Cancer Surgery, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Should Fully Recover

slashes his risk of dying within the next five years. It s probably 1 or less. It s very, very rare for somebody who s had their prostate operated on to die wit

Rock On: He Played Guitar While Getting His Brain Tumor Removed

Professional guitarist Christian Nolen took his stage show to an operating room last month, strumming out Deftones tunes for surgeons as they worked to remove a

Otitis Media Has Impact on Auditory, Language Development

Otitis media seems to affect auditory and language development, according to a study published in the January issue of the International Journal of Pediatric Ot

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