Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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ECT-Induced Seizure Length Tied to Major Depressive Disorder Remission

For patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), seizure duration of 60 to 69 seconds induced by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is associated with the highes

Blinatumomab + Chemo Ups Survival in B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

For adult patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) who have measurable residual disease (MRD)-negative remission, blinatumomab in a

Prevalence of Cirrhosis Higher in Transgender Versus Cisgender Adults

Transgender adults have higher prevalence of cirrhosis, but they do not have increased incidence of liver-related outcomes or all-cause mortality, according to

Atopic Dermatitis Has Large Impact on Sexual Function Among Women

Most women with atopic dermatitis have impairment in sexual function, and about half consider that atopic dermatitis may influence their reproductive desire, ac

Grief Can Truly Age People, Study Finds

Losing someone close to you can make you age faster, a new study finds.People who lost a parent, partner, sibling or child showed signs of older biological age

Avoiding One Nutrient Can Keep Your Cells Young

Added sugar can cause your cells to prematurely age, a new study warns.Each gram of added sugar is associated with an increase in a person s cellular age, even

Long-Acting Early Viral Inhibition Described in Context of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir

In a research letter published online July 24 in the New England Journal of Medicine, the authors describe long-acting early viral inhibition (LEVI) among patie

Study Looks at Effects of Reducing Intake of Processed Meat, Unprocessed Red Meat

Reductions in processed meat and unprocessed red meat consumption could result in fewer occurrences of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cance

Recommendations Developed for Identifying, Managing Ankyloglossia

In a new clinical report issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and published online July 29 in Pediatrics, recommendations are presented for the identif

Women Undergoing CABG More Likely to Get Care at Low-Quality Hospitals

Female Medicare beneficiaries undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting are more likely to receive care at low-quality hospitals than male beneficiaries, with

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