Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Long COVID Burden Has Decreased Over Time in Health Care Workers

The prevalence and burden of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) has decreased over time in health care workers, according to a study published online Nov. 1

Seniors Engaged in Volunteering Activities Have Lower Depression Prevalence

The prevalence of depression in older adults is impacted by age, gender, marital status, education, income, and volunteering, according to a study published onl

At-Home Disposal Kits Increase Self-Disposal Rates of Opioids

Providing surgery patients with an opioid disposal kit at the time of discharge increases their self-disposal rates, according to a short report published onlin

Job Strain Can Worsen Sleep Longterm, Data Suggests

Ever woke in the night with your thoughts racing about work problems, co-worker disputes, or heavy career decisions Well, it s more common than you think. Job s

AI Can Reliably Predict Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy

The machine learning system SCORPIO can predict patient outcomes with immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy across diverse cancer types and health care sett

Individuals With Cancer and an ICD Receive More Aggressive End-of-Life Care

Older cancer decedents with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) receive more aggressive end-of-life care, according to a study published online Nov.

Race-, Gender-Related Microaggression Linked to Higher Postpartum BP

Experiencing at least one microaggression related to race and gender during or after pregnancy is associated with increased postpartum blood pressure (BP), acco

Disparities Seen in Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Mortality

There are disparities in traumatic brain injury (TBI)-related mortality, with the highest rates seen for older adults, men, and non-Hispanic American Indian Ala

Higher Radon Exposure Linked to Increased Odds of Gestational Diabetes

In nulliparous pregnant individuals, higher radon exposure is associated with greater odds of gestational diabetes (GD), according to a study published online J

The Best Ways to Quit Vaping

Text-based support programs are one of the best ways to help young people quit vaping, a new evidence review says.These texts offer motivational messages and ti

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