Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Acute Leukemia Are Heterogeneous

Ophthalmologic manifestations of acute leukemia are heterogeneous and detectable at initial presentation or relapse, according to a study published online July

Irregular Sleep Could Raise Your Odds for Diabetes

Sleeping long hours one night but only a few hours the next can be unhealthy, with a new study finding irregular sleep patterns could be a risk factor for type

Extended-Release Oral Ketamine Effective for Treatment-Resistant Depression

For patients with treatment-resistant depression, racemic ketamine, given as an extended-release tablet (R-107), administered orally, is effective, safe, and we

Adiposity in Adulthood Linked to Adverse Cardiac Structure, Function

Higher adiposity over adulthood is associated with adverse cardiac structure and function, according to a study published online July 16 in the European Heart J

Active Commuters Have Lower Risks for Morbidity, Mortality

Active commuters who cycle or walk to work have lower risks for morbidity and mortality, according to a study published online July 16 in BMJ Public Health.Cath

Odds of IBS, Functional Dyspepsia Increased After Acute Gastroenteritis Episode

A considerable proportion of individuals experiencing acute gastroenteritis develop postinfection irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) and postinfection functional

Familial Recurrence Rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder 20.2 Percent

The familial recurrence rate of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is 20.2 percent, which has not changed significantly from previous estimates, according to a stud

Does Exercise Near Bedtime Really Disrupt Sleep? Maybe Not

Exercise near bedtime won t necessarily wreck a person s sleep, a new study says.Intense exercise is typically discouraged as bedtime approaches, since such act

Biking, Walking to Work a Game-Changer for Health

bike commuters were twice as likely to be admitted to a hospital following a traffic wreck, results show. Our finding that cyclist commuters have twice the risk

Are You & Your Partner in a 'Sleep Divorce?' You're Not Alone

then it may be time to discuss your sleeping arrangements. If snoring is the culprit, then you should encourage your partner to talk to a doctor about obstructi

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