Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Noninvasive Urine Test for Cervical Cancer Shows Promise

A new urine test might help doctors more easily screen for cervical cancer, researchers report.The test looks for proteins generated by a type of cancer-causing

Children With Autism Have Unique Microbiomes, Study Finds

that s a huge improvement. For decades, researchers have searched for a reliable indicator of autism, with limited success. The U.S. Food and Drug Administratio

More Americans Now Think Abortion Should Be Allowed in Any Circumstance

said a nationwide abortion ban should not happen.The nationwide poll was conducted online and by phone with just over 1,000 adults from June 20 to June 24. The

Almost Half of U.S. Counties Do Not Have Practicing Cardiologist

Close to half of U.S. counties do not have a practicing cardiologist, according to a research letter published in the July 16 issue of the Journal of the Americ

Experiencing Gratitude Tied to Longevity in Older Women

Experiencing gratitude is associated with greater longevity in older women, according to a study published online July 3 in JAMA Psychiatry.Ying Chen, Sc.D., fr

Study Compares Rivaroxaban, Warfarin With Apixaban for Cirrhosis, A-Fib

For patients with cirrhosis and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), initiators of rivaroxaban or warfarin versus apixaban have significantly higher rates of m

Acupuncture Can Reduce Methadone Dose, Opioid Craving

For individuals with opioid use disorder receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT), eight weeks of acupuncture is superior to sham acupuncture for reducin

Significantly More Weight Loss Seen With Tirzepatide Versus Semaglutide

Tirzepatide is associated with significantly greater weight loss than semaglutide for adults with overweight or obesity, according to a study published online J

Scientists Find Way to Reverse Chemo Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Pancreatic cancer is particularly aggressive and difficult to treat, partly because it s often resistant to chemotherapy. Researchers now think they know why ch

Air Pollution Exposure Tied to 40% Drop in Live Births Among IVF Patients

Exposure to air pollution can significantly reduce the odds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) leading to a live birth, a new study says. The odds of a live birth

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