Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

Baby Nutrition in the First Year

This nutrition chart from DrugsLib shows what solid foods your baby should be eating at each stage of the first year and how to prepare them.

Baby Feeding Schedule

How often is your baby hungry? DrugsLib discusses how often you should feed your baby and when you can normally expect them to be hungry.

Is My New Baby Eating Enough?

Worried you're not feeding your baby enough? How much babies eat depend on how old they are and growth rate. Use these tips and learn "full" baby signs.

Infant Nutrition: The First 6 Months

The first 6 months are a critical period in your baby's health. Discover which proteins, fats, and vitamins they to stay healthy need during this period.

Sexual Health Resources From WebMD

DrugsLib provides a list of sexual health resources for women and men.

Talking to Your Kids About Sex

DrugsLib offers tips on talking to your teenager about sex and sexuality.

Sex After Orgasm in Men

It's common not to be able to achieve an erection immediately after orgasm. Toys might do the trick. So what's a couple to do for round two? Get expert advice here.

10 Health Benefits of Sex

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.


How common is masturbation, and how can it enhance sexuality? Find out more from DrugsLib.

Male Reproductive System

An overview of the male reproductive system from the experts at DrugsLib.

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