Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

Your Skin Is a Superhero: How to Support Your Body’s Biggest Organ

Learn all about your superhero skin and how to give it what it needs.

Is Sex Important in a Relationship? 12 Things to Consider

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this. Everyone's different, and what's important for some may not be at all important for others. It ultimately depends on your personal beliefs, physical desires, and the nature of your relationship. Here's what to consider, how to talk to your partner, and more.

How to Make the ‘Honeymoon Phase’ Last Throughout Your Relationship

The honeymoon phase commonly comes to an end one way or the other. The question is: Should it?

64 Flirty, Dirty, and Ultimately Revealing Questions to Ask Your…

If the dirty questions you’re asking your boo don’t go beyond “Who’s doing the next load of laundry? You or me?” you and your sex life are missing out Big Time.

The 7 Most Common Sexual Fantasies and What to Do About Them

Everyone has sexual fantasies. Although the possibilities are endless, there are 7 main categories. Learn what we’re all dirty dreaming — plus how to act them out IRL, if you want to.

Are CBD Suppositories the Answer to Better, Less Painful Sex?

Whether you’re looking to remedy pelvic pain or experience more pleasure, CBD suppositories may help. Here's how to get started.

Solo Sex Is for Everyone — Here’s How to Get Started

Just as partnered sex is way more expansive than penis-in-vagina, solo sex is way more expansive than rubbing your bits. Here's what you need to know to O.

Is Peeing After Sex Really Necessary? And 9 Other FAQs

In the post-sex afterglow, sometimes the question is, "To cuddle or to pee?" But is peeing after sex actually necessary? Here's what you need to know.

27 Home Remedies for Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Virus 2

We’ve rounded up 32 of the best herpes home remedies and natural treatments backed by a mix of scientific and anecdotal evidence.

When Does a Cold Sore Stop Being Contagious?

You can spread the virus that causes cold sores even when you don’t have symptoms, but you’re usually most contagious when you have them. Cold sores are contagious until they go away completely, which takes about two weeks. Learn more about how cold sores spread and how to protect those around you when you have one.

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