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A vasectomy is a small operation a man has to prevent pregnancy. The procedure, which you can get at a doctor’s office without being asleep, works by blocking sperm from reaching semen ejaculated from the penis. With no sperm entering the woman, she won’t get pregnant.

Male Birth Control Options

Birth control isn’t just a woman’s responsibility. Here’s what men can do to help avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

Pregnancy After Tubal Ligation: Can It Happen?

Tubal ligation, or getting your tubes tied, is a permanent method of birth control – usually. Find out the likelihood of pregnancy after this surgery.

What Is Tubal Ligation?

Tubal ligation, or getting your tubes tied, has a number of advantages and disadvantages. It's also permanent and hard to reverse, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Birth Control and Sterilization

DrugsLib explains various sterilization procedures for women and men.

What Is the Lactational Amenorrhea Method of Birth Control?

The lactation amenorrhea method (LAM) can be effective for birth control if you breastfeed 100% for the first 6 months. Learn the pros and cons.

Pull Out Method (Withdrawal)

The pull-out method, also called the withdrawal method, is when a man takes his penis out of a woman's vagina before he ejaculates so fewer sperm get inside. Learn more about the effectiveness, how it works, benefits, and disadvantages of the pull-out method.

'Natural' Birth Control: What to Know

How do “natural” methods of birth control work? DrugsLib discusses family planning, rhythm method, cervical mucus, and more.

Female Condoms: Effectiveness and Benefits

Female condoms are another way women can take contraception into their own hands. Read on to find out the pros and cons of this type of condom.

What to Know About a Broken Condom

What do you do if a condom breaks? Condom breakage increases the chances of pregnancy and HIV risk. Broken condom what to do next.

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