Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

Does Condom Size Matter?

With a multitude of condom sizes on the market, it may take some effort to find the proper fit. Learn more about how to make sure you have the right fit and the consequences when you don't.


Condoms are a popular form of male birth control that uses the barrier method of contraception. Learn more about the effectiveness, types, and proper use of condoms.

Do Birth Control Pills Cause Nausea?

Birth control pills are a safe, effective, simple, and affordable way to prevent pregnancy. They also can make periods lighter, improve acne, and they may help prevent certain diseases and conditions. But nausea can be one of their drawbacks.

What Is Extended-Use Birth Control?

New extended birth control pill routines can protect you from unplanned pregnancy and allow you to have fewer periods. Here’s what you need to know.

How to Choose a Crib Mattress

Preparing a nursery? Choosing a crib mattress doesn't have to be complicated. Learn what you need to know to buy a safe mattress for your baby.

What Is a Bassinet?

Find out at what age it is best to start sleeping in a crib.

How to Set Good Sleep Patterns for Your Baby

Struggling with a baby that won't sleep through the night? You're not alone. Discover DrugsLib's tips to understanding your baby's sleep habits.

Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night

Struggling with a baby who won't sleep through the night? Read DrugsLib tips for getting your baby to sleep - and helping them develop good sleep habits.

How Well Do Newborns Hear?

Wondering what the world sounds like to your baby? Find out from DrugsLib how well newborns hear the world around them and learn signs to look out for.

How Well Can Newborn Babies See?

Your newborn can't see very far, but he likes faces -- especially yours. DrugsLib explains.

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