Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

Letter from the Editor: Welcome to Parenthood

The newest brand from DrugsLib that focuses on your life and your well-being through the lens of becoming a parent. Your identity changes, but you don’t need to lose it.

Painful Letdown: Is It Normal to Hurt Like This?

You've heard that breastfeeding shouldn't be painful, but every time you feed your breasts ache and sting — what's going on? Learn more about what causes painful letdown and how to treat it, plus when to see a professional for help.

How Long Can Postpartum Depression Last — and Can You Shorten It?

If you're trying to cope after the birth of your baby, you may wonder how long postpartum depression lasts. Here's what you need to know.

When Should You Start Prenatal Vitamins? Earlier Than You Think

If you're wondering when to start taking prenatal vitamins, it's probably time. We'll tell you why earlier is better.

The Super-Handy Resource Guide New Parents Should Keep in Their Back Pocket

This handy guide of essentials is what all new parents should keep on hand. There are some resources listed we hope everyone uses. There are some resources listed we hope no one has to use. Either way, it’s all included here, judgment free.

Pregnancy Destroyed My Sex Life. Having a Baby Brought It Back

Everyone warned me that having sex would be impossible once the baby was home. But for me, that couldn't be further from the truth.

My Baby Doesn’t Sleep Through the Night and It’s Completely Normal

At this stage I guess you could actually say my toddler doesn't sleep through the night. It's still normal.

Why Is Breastfeeding So Hard? What Two Weeks in the Life of a…

Every new parent can relate to this mom's funny breastfeeding diary.

When You Have Wrinkles and a Newborn

I always thought of myself as a young mom, with plenty of time to figure things out. But a selfie with my new baby opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not quite so young anymore. Luckily that isn't a bad thing.

“Please Don’t Kiss My Baby”: How to Set Boundaries with Visitors

Setting boundaries for visitors after baby arrives can not only keep germs away, but it can also provide you the space to adapt to life with your little one.

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