Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

Yes, Black People Can Get Skin Cancer. Here’s What to Look For

Though less common, Black people can get skin cancer. For this reason, skin cancer is often diagnosed later in Black people and may be more advanced.

7 Cookbooks by Black Chefs That Serve Up More Than Just Meals

These cookbooks inspired my family and fed us in nutrients, joy, and spiritual sustenance.

Assumed a Threat Out of the Gate: Exercising While Black in America

You might not think twice about going for a run in your neighborhood. But as someone who is wrongly perceived as a threat, I have to consider the worst case scenario.

How to Create a Healthy Soul Food Plate — Guide and Recipes

African Americans' traditional cuisine is known as soul food. This article explains how to create a healthy soul food plate with cooking tips and recipes.

Healthy Food Is a Right for Black People, Not a Privilege

One person standing up for racial justice can cause a domino effect.

Black Mothers and Breastfeeding

Black mothers breastfeed at a lower rate when compared to white mothers. Learn why these disparities exist and what resources are available for Black mothers who want to breastfeed.

An In-Depth Look at Why Black Moms Need to Matter More

Bringing awareness to the shocking statistics regarding Black maternal health and the various factors at play.

6 Things I Wish I Knew When Advocating for Myself as a Black Mom-to-Be

It wasn't until looking into what I should expect during pregnancy and delivery that I realized I could be in danger, just because of the color of my skin.

Addressing Racial Disparities in Colorectal Cancer

We review the racial disparities that exist in colorectal cancer, explore reasons for them, and outline solutions.

7 Tips for Finding a Culturally Competent Therapist – from Someone…

If you're not comfortable affirming my race and gender, you're not able to provide the support I need.

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