Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Phthalate Chemicals Tied to Costly Preterm Births in the United States

Hormone disruptor phthalate chemicals were associated with nearly 56,600 preterm births in the United States in 2018, according to a study published online Feb.

Guidelines Updated by National Association of Epilepsy Centers

Updated evidence-based guidelines have been developed by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers and published online Feb. 2 in Neurology. Fred A. Lado, M.

Biden Administration to Tighten Air Pollution Standards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it is cracking down on air pollution. by lowering the allowable annual concentration of the deadly p

Is Marriage a Prescription for Happiness? Poll Says Yes

While marriage can be hard work, a new survey suggests it can also be a powerful elixir for happiness. Adults who are married report being more satisfied with t

New Prosthetic Hand Can Sense Objects' Temperature

Fabrizio wasn t sure what to expect of his newly outfitted prosthetic hand, until he touched one of the researchers who d given it to him. When one of the resea

Exoscope Tied to Better Outcomes in Spinal Neurosurgery

Use of an exoscope for spinal neurosurgery is associated with superior intraoperative outcomes versus use of the operative microscope, according to a study publ

Lower Use of Epidurals Seen Among Pregnant Women Facing Social Inequities

is suggested as a root cause of racial and ethnic disparities in perinatal care access and utilization in the United States. One author disclosed ties to the bi

Health Care Costs, Resource Utilization Increased for Vitiligo Patients

Patients with vitiligo have significantly higher health care costs and health care resource utilization (HCRU), according to a study recently published in the J

Women With High-Risk HPV Have Increased Risk for Heart Disease

Women with high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) infection have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a study published online Feb.

Cognitive Benefits Seen Two Years After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery (BS) is associated with cognitive benefits two years after surgery, according to a study published online Feb. 9 in JAMA Network Open.Emma Cus

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