Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

FDA to Import Syphilis Drug, Extencilline, From France Amid Shortage

Amid an ongoing shortage of the first-line treatment for syphilis in the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will allow the importation of a di

Robotic Surgery Preferred for Most Colorectal Cancer Surgeries

Robotic surgery for colorectal cancer (CRC) offers an advantage over conventional laparoscopy by improving textbook outcomes for right colectomy (RC) and left c

1999 to 2019 Saw Increase in Substance Use+CVD-Related Mortality

From 1999 to 2019, there was an increase in mortality related to substance use (SU) plus cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a study published online Jan

Low-Dose Calcium Noninferior for Reducing Risk of Preeclampsia

Low-dose calcium supplementation is noninferior to high-dose supplementation for reducing the risk of preeclampsia, according to a study published in the Jan. 1

Model Can Predict Outcome for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment

A risk model comprising six inflammatory-related laboratory parameters can predict outcome in patients with metastatic cancer treated with immune checkpoint inh

End-of-Life Treatment With Immunotherapy Increasing for Patients With Cancer

Initiation of immunotherapy for metastatic cancer at the end of life (EOL) is increasing over time, according to a study published online Jan. 4 in JAMA Oncolog

Overuse of Antifungal Skin Meds Could Be Driving Drug-Resistant Disease

U.S. doctors are prescribing antifungal creams to patients with skin complaints at rates so high they could be contributing to the rise of drug-resistant infect

Record Number of Americans Are Signing Up for Obamacare

A record-breaking 20 million Americans have already signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, the Biden administration announced Wednesday.

Acoramidis Beneficial in Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy

Acoramidis yields a significantly better four-step primary hierarchical outcome, including aspects of mortality and morbidity, than placebo for patients with tr

Ibogaine May Aid Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans

A single treatment of oral ibogaine may improve chronic disability and mental health related to repeated mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) from combat blast exp

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