Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Daily Aspirin Cuts Odds for Colon Cancer: Who Benefits Most?

It s long been known that a daily dose of low-dose aspirin helps keep colon cancer at bay. But new research suggests that those who benefit most are folks whose

Pharmacist Prescribing Can Reduce Stroke Risk in A-Fib Patients

Community pharmacists can play an effective role in closing gaps in the delivery of stroke risk reduction therapy by prescribing appropriate oral anticoagulatio

Risk for Psychiatric Disorder, Suicide Attempt Increased After CVD Hospitalization

Patients hospitalized for cardiovascular disease (CVD) have an increased subsequent risk for psychiatric disorders and suicide attempt, especially within one ye

2001-2007 to 2008-2022 Saw Increase in Preteen Suicides

Between 2001-2007 and 2008-2022, there was a significant increase in the suicide rate among U.S. preteens, according to a research letter published online July

CDC Report Addresses Nonfinancial Access Barriers to Care in 2022

Nonfinancial access barriers to care represent a persistent problem in the United States, with more than 12 percent of adults reporting being too busy to go to

Disparities Exist in Wait-Listing for Pediatric Kidney Transplants

Disparities in timely wait-listing among pediatric kidney transplant candidates expose some patients to greater harms from dialysis, according to a study publis

High Blood Pressure Might Help Spur Migraines

High blood pressure might increase a woman s odds of suffering migraines, a new study finds.Specifically, high diastolic blood pressure is linked to a slightly

Nasal COVID Vaccine Stops Infection in Animal Trials

actually stop the spread of the virus from person to person.Hamsters that received the nasal vaccine didn t pass the virus on to others if they became infected,

FDA Warns of Danger From At-Home Chemical Peels

is being applied. The FDA reminded consumers that it has never approved a chemical peel, and some contains levels of acid so high that they can cause chemical b

Why Are Cancer Rates Rising Among Gen X, Millennials?

Cancer rates are rising among Gen Xers and millennials, a new study reports.Successively younger generations are more frequently being diagnosed half of the 34

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