Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Postpartum Depression Pill Now Available to Women, Drug Maker Says

even, in severe cases, thoughts of harming themselves or their child. And, because postpartum depression can disrupt the maternal-infant bond, it can also have

Too Often, Unlocked, Loaded Guns Are Fatal Playthings for America’s Children

and unimaginable tragedy. Moments like this have occurred in American homes hundreds of times over the past two decades, killing 1,262 children, according to a

Holiday Meals Mean Safety First in Your Kitchen

Knives, vegetable peelers, blenders There are plenty of ways to injure yourself in the kitchen during the holidays. To keep things merry, cheery and safe, exper

More Research Shows the Brain Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise appears to enhance and even grow crucial areas of the human brain, new research using MRI scans shows. It s long been known that physical activ

Irregular Sleep Is Tied to a Higher Odds for Dementia

People who maintain a mostly regular sleep pattern could have a lower risk of developing dementia than those whose sleeping and waking times vary wildly, a new

Single Dose of mRNA-1345 Vaccine Safe, Effective Against RSV in Seniors

A single dose of mRNA-1345 vaccine is safe and results in lower incidence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-associated disease in older patients, according t

Treatment Modification Common With Second-Line Antidiabetic Meds

Most patients with type 2 diabetes initiating antidiabetic medication (ADM) experience treatment modification within one year, according to a study published in

Sleep Disturbances Tied to Emotional, Behavioral Difficulties in Young Children

A natural history of sleep disturbances is associated with resolved and incident emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBDs) among preschool-aged children, acc

ASH: Ibrutinib-Venetoclax Beneficial for Relapsed/Refractory Lymphoma

For patients with relapsed refractory (R R) mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), ibrutinib combined with venetoclax provides a progression-free survival benefit, accordi

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