Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Burden of Visual Impairment Has Increased Globally

The number of prevalent cases of visual impairment globally increased substantially in working-age individuals from 1990 to 2019, according to a study published

Replacing Sitting for a Few Minutes of Activity Each Day Shows Health Benefits

basically any activity that raises your heart rate and makes you breathe faster, even for a minute or two, Blodgett said in a statement.Abstract Full Text

Maternal Cannabis Use Linked to Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Maternal cannabis use is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes known to be related to placental dysfunction, according to a study published in the Dec. 12

Increase in U.S. Pediatric Suicides Driven by Opioid Crisis

There has been a rise in child suicides in the United States since 2010, which was fueled by the nation s opioid crisis, according to a study published online N

Most Older Americans Think Medicare Should Cover Weight-Loss Meds: Poll

An overwhelming majority of older Americans think health insurers and Medicare should cover the cost of weight-loss medications like Ozempic, Wegovy or Zepbound

Stephen Colbert Returns to Late Night Show After Ruptured Appendix

Comedian Stephen Colbert returned to his popular late night talk show this week after recovering from a ruptured appendix he suffered roughly three weeks ago.Du

Drug Abuse Is Fueling Surge in Heart Infections Among Young Americans

While rates of a deadly heart infection are dropping generally across the United States, a new report finds one exception Young adults.In that group, rates of i

FDA Asked to Consider Party Drug MDMA as Treatment for PTSD

A California company has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve MDMA, the active ingredient in party drugs like molly and ecstasy, as a treatmen

Smartwatches Are Spotting Hidden Heart Trouble in Kids

he asked Connor to strap on his mom s smartwatch.Smartwatches are being increasingly used by cardiac specialists to help diagnose heart problems in children, re

ChatGPT Performs Well as 'Partner' in Diagnosing Patients

knowing the odds that something will (or won t) happen. Humans struggle with probabilistic reasoning, the practice of making decisions based on calculating odds

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