Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Brain Implant Helps Tame Parkinson's for Easier Daily Living

A brain implant guided by AI could provide around-the-clock personalized care for people with Parkinson s disease, a new study suggests. The implant uses AI to

Heme Iron Intake Linked to Increased Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

Heme iron intake is associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D), according to a study published online Aug. 13 in Nature Medicine.Fenglei Wang,

Regional Variation Seen in Alzheimer and Related Dementia Diagnosis

The rate of new Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD) diagnoses varies across the United States, according to a study published online Aug. 16 in Alzhe

Disparities Seen After Introduction of QI Intervention for Febrile Infants

Racial and ethnic disparities in quality metrics were seen after introduction of a quality improvement (QI) intervention designed to standardize care of febrile

2017 to 2020 Saw No Change in Pediatric Psychiatric Bed Capacity

From 2017 to 2020, there was no change in U.S. pediatric inpatient psychiatric bed capacity, according to a research letter published online Aug. 19 in JAMA Ped

Machine Learning Model Can Predict Autism Spectrum Disorder

In a diagnostic study, machine learning (ML) can predict autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a study published online Aug. 19 in JAMA Network Open.Shya

Long COVID Is Taking Big Toll on U.S. Workforce

could be unable to work due to the lingering symptoms of Long COVID, a new study says.About 14 of working-age people with Long COVID symptoms hadn t returned to

Many Cases of Iron Deficiency Go Too Long Without Proper Treatment

six versus four for those who remained iron-deficient.This indicates that many diagnosed cases of iron deficiency aren t being treated to resolution, Cogan said

'Stealth' Foods That Sneak Saturated Fat, Sugar Into Your Diet

Stealth foods are sneaking saturated fat and added sugars into even the strictest diets, a new study shows.Most saturated fats and added sugars come from well-k

Metal Wire Fragments Trigger Recall of 167,000 Lbs of Perdue Chicken Products

Perdue Foods has recalled over 167,000 pounds of chicken nuggets and tenders after consumers complained of finding bits of metal in the products.The recall cove

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