Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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PSA Levels Very Low Among Transgender Women Receiving Estrogen

For transgender women receiving estrogen, the median prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level is 0.02 ng mL, according to a research letter published online June 2

Acupuncture May Relieve Pain-Specific Disability in Degenerative Lumbar Stenosis

For patients with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) and predominantly neurogenic claudication pain symptoms, acupuncture may relieve pain-specific disa

Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy Recommended for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is recommended for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and appears to have good long-term outcomes, acco

Long-Term Outcomes Similar for Cord Clamping, Umbilical Cord Milking

For nonvigorous term and near-term infants, long-term outcomes do not differ significantly with early cord clamping (ECC) and umbilical cord milking (UCM), acco

Cutting Out Meat Could Cut Diabetes Rates

versus 29 grams (1.02 ounces) a day of processed meat.The authors noted that their estimates should be interpreted with caution since less is known about how un

Nearly Half of U.S. Counties Lack Cardiologists Despite High Need

Where you live plays a vital role in how easy it is to receive care for heart problems.Nearly half of U.S. counties don t have a practicing cardiologist, and th

Noninvasive Urine Test for Cervical Cancer Shows Promise

A new urine test might help doctors more easily screen for cervical cancer, researchers report.The test looks for proteins generated by a type of cancer-causing

Children With Autism Have Unique Microbiomes, Study Finds

that s a huge improvement. For decades, researchers have searched for a reliable indicator of autism, with limited success. The U.S. Food and Drug Administratio

More Americans Now Think Abortion Should Be Allowed in Any Circumstance

said a nationwide abortion ban should not happen.The nationwide poll was conducted online and by phone with just over 1,000 adults from June 20 to June 24. The

Almost Half of U.S. Counties Do Not Have Practicing Cardiologist

Close to half of U.S. counties do not have a practicing cardiologist, according to a research letter published in the July 16 issue of the Journal of the Americ

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