Pharmaceutical News and Articles

Comprehensive and up-to-date drug news for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Women Undergoing CABG More Likely to Get Care at Low-Quality Hospitals

Female Medicare beneficiaries undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting are more likely to receive care at low-quality hospitals than male beneficiaries, with

Risk of Contralateral Breast Cancer Lower With Bilateral Mastectomy

For women with unilateral breast cancer, the risk of contralateral breast cancer is lower after bilateral mastectomy, but mortality rates are similar to those a

A Little Drinking Won't Help You Live Longer, New Research Shows

A new review challenges the long-held belief that moderate drinking can have health benefits. The analysis, conducted by a team of researchers in Canada, points

Blood Test 91% Accurate at Predicting Alzheimer's, Outperforming Doctors

A new test gauging levels of key proteins in the blood was far more accurate than doctor assessments in spotting Alzheimer s disease in people with early-stage

U.S. Measles Cases Are Already Triple Those of Last Year

has only made things worse, he added.Hamer said lockdowns disrupted vaccination services in many low- and middle-income countries. The end result was that many

Will Olympians Soon Be Swimming in the Seine? Paris Officials Track Water Quality

Paris officials said Sunday they are confident the Seine will be clean enough for Olympic triathletes to swim in the storied river this week, despite the fact t

FDA Approves Another Blood Test for Colon Cancer Screening

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved a new blood test that can spot colon cancer.In late May, an FDA advisory panel had voted 7-2 that the b

September is Peak Asthma Month: Is Your Child Ready?

especially in children. But there are ways parents can help their kids keep their allergy and asthma symptoms at bay as the school year resumes, Marshall said.F

Summer's Heat Can Damage Your Medicines: Keep Them Safe

As scorching temperatures continue to plague the United States this summer, millions of Americans are at risk for dehydration and heat-linked illness.But what a

Disparities Seen in Unintentional Firearm Mortality Across U.S. States

There are considerable disparities in the rate of unintentional firearms mortality across the 50 U.S. states and District of Columbia, with the highest rates cl

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