Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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More Abortions Tied to Natural Family Planning or Fertility Awareness Methods

Relying on natural and fertility awareness methods to prevent pregnancy might be linked to an increase in abortions, a new study suggests. Use of hormonal birth

Updated Guidelines for Preventing Osteoporosis-Related Fractures Released

All women 65 and older should continue to be screened for osteoporosis, the nation s leading preventive health panel says in an updated recommendation. The U.S.

USPSTF Recommends Osteoporosis Screening for Women 65 Years and Older

The U.S Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends osteoporosis screening to prevent osteoporotic fractures for all women aged 65 years and older and fo

Three in 10 U.S. Adults Aware of Menthol-Mimicking Cigarettes

A substantial proportion of U.S. adults are aware of and have already experimented with synthetic cooling agent menthol-mimicking cigarettes, according to a stu

2015 to 2022 Saw Rise in Ketamine Use

There have been shifts in both the patterns and correlates of ketamine use from 2015 to 2022, according to a study published online Jan. 7 in the Journal of Aff

Differences Exist in Precision Oncology Drug Eligibility Among Patient Ancestral Groups

Ancestry-based differences in frequencies of biomarkers that drive patient selection for treatment with precision oncology drugs currently exist, according to a

Incentives Aid Smoking Cessation Across Populations

There is high-certainty evidence that incentives improve smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up across populations, according to a review published onli

Sleep Deprivation Lets Intrusive Memories, Bad Thoughts Into the Mind

compared to those who were up all night, researchers said.People who got good sleep also had reduced activity in the hippocampus, a region involved in memory re

Diabetes Drug Protects Against Skin Cancer, New Research Says

A popular diabetes drug can provide protection against skin cancers, a new study says.Metformin significantly reduces people s risk of developing basal cell can

Will We Have Fewer Doctors of Color?

Medical schools have experienced a steep decline in enrollment among Black and Hispanic students since the Supreme Court banned the consideration of race in adm

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