Pharmaceutical News and Articles

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Considerable Proportion of Seniors Have Asymptomatic Valvular Heart Disease

A considerable proportion of older adults without known valvular heart disease (VHD) have asymptomatic VHD, with age the only parameter associated with signific

Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer May Lower Dementia Risk

Hormone therapy for breast cancer might reduce a woman s later risk of dementia and Alzheimer s disease, a new study finds. Overall, hormone therapy is associat

'Staying Regular' Is Good for Good Health

Being regular is good for you, a new study shows. Predictable bowel movements could be tied to your long-term health, allowing your body to absorb essential nut

Benzodiazepines Not Tied to Higher Dementia Risk in Older Adults

Use of benzodiazepines is not associated with increased dementia risk in older adults, according to a study published online July 2 in BMC Medicine.Ilse vom Hof

Soy Consumption in Children Tied to Better Thinking, Attention

School-aged children who consume more soy foods may have improved thinking and attention, according to a study presented during NUTRITION 2024, the annual meeti

Parkinsonism Occurs Frequently in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Multiple substantia nigra (SN) pathologies are associated with parkinsonism, according to a study published online July 15 in JAMA Neurology.Jason W. Adams, Ph.

Current Asthma at Age 7 Linked to Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Middle Age

Current asthma, head colds, and tonsillitis at age 7 years are associated with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) at midlife, according to a study published online Ju

Considerable Gaps Seen in Provision of Effective Treatment for Opioid Addiction

There are considerable gaps in provision of effective treatments for opioid use disorders (OUD) at U.S. substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facilities, accor

How Early Antibiotic Use Could Raise Kids' Asthma Risk

as well as genetics and environmental exposures, Marsland said. Infants at high risk of allergies and asthma have been shown to have a disrupted and delayed mat

U.S. Stroke Survival Is Improving, But Race Still Plays Role

There s good news and bad for stroke survival in the United States New research shows that Americans are now more likely to survive long-term, but that s more t

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