Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

Female Reproductive System

DrugsLib provides an overview of the female reproductive system and how it works.

Human Sexual Response

Learn more from DrugsLib about the sexual response cycle, from arousal to post-orgasm.

7 Tips for Better Sex

So you’re in your 50s or older. That doesn’t mean your sex life has to go into decline. Here are 7 tips to keep things interesting with your sexual partner.

Staying Close to Family

Wait, staying connected to your family has real health benefits? It’s true, and DrugsLib shares what keeping in touch can do for you.

Boost Your Immunity

How does getting older affect your immune system? How can you keep those effects to a minimum? Your answers are here.

Avoid Muscle Loss

Sarcopenia is the gradual loss of muscle mass that can affect people in their 30s and beyond. DrugsLib explains its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

Essential Medical Tests After 60

DrugsLib lists the key medical tests you should have in your 60s, including a bone density scan, hearing exam, colon exam, prostate exam, and mammogram.

Sceenings You Need When You're 50+

Learn the important medical tests to get in your 50s, including thyroid tests, colon and rectal exams, PSA and prostate tests, as well as blood pressure and cholesterol exams.

Sleep and Aging

Half of all adults over the age of 65 have sleep problems. DrugsLib looks at how aging may affect sleep patterns.

Tips for More Energy

Your energy level and mood can remain strong as you age. Sometimes, all it takes are changes to your diet, exercise routine, and the way you sleep.

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