Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

‘Quarantine the Kids!’ and Other Helpful Hacks to Keep Everyone in the…

There's a lot you can do to try to keep the rest of the family healthy (including yourself) when illness strikes.

What to Know About Viral Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu)

Viral gastroenteritis, also known as the stomach flu, is an inflammation of the intestines. It can be caused by different viruses, such as norovirus and rotavirus.

Here’s What to Do If Your Child Is Throwing Up

When it comes to what to give a child for upset stomach and vomiting, time, hydration, and a few simple remedies will usually do the trick.

Children’s Health Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

It's common for children to have minor colds and growing pains, but some physical symptoms can be a sign of a more serious health condition. Learn about the symptoms you shouldn’t ignore in children.

How to Handle School Sick Days

Use this guide to help decide whether or not your child should take a sick day from school.

Children’s Health Overview

Your choices as a parent begin before your child is born, and those choices can affect them throughout their life. Explore children's health tips on diet and more.

Sick Day Diaries: Mental Health Days Are Just as Important as Sick…

My son has taught me so much about taking care of myself, like the fact that mental health days are so important. Here are a few other nuggets of wisdom I've learned from him.

ADHD and Youth Sports: How to Help Your Child Succeed

What are the best sports for kids with ADHD? While the answer may be unique to your child, here's what to consider.

Want a Fun Workout? 8 Reasons to Give Hula Hooping a Try

Hula hooping isn't just kids' play. A hula-hooping workout can help you burn calories and body fat, strengthen your core muscles, boost your cardiovascular fitness, and much more.

The Importance of Play: How Kids Learn by Having Fun

For kids, playing is learning. Through play they benefit physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. In short, the importance of play cannot be understated.

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