Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

7 Benefits of Soaking in a Hot Tub

Soaking in a hot tub may provide several health benefits, such as muscle relaxation, pain relief, and improved sleep. Some studies suggest a wider variety of health benefits.

No Friends? Why That’s Not Necessarily a Bad Thing

There’s a lot of pressure to maintain the “right” number of friendships, but is it really that bad to not have friends? It all comes down to what you want.

Recharge Your Personal Battery with These Activities

Making small adjustments to your lifestyle can translate to significant reductions in your stress levels. We explain how to recharge your personal battery by taking care of yourself physically and mentally.

5 Signs Your Brain and Body Are Begging for ‘Alone Time’

Taking time for ourselves is a great way to reset our mind and body. But we don’t always remember to take this time. One writer shares the ways her body and mind signal she’s overdue for some “alone time.”

How to Focus on Yourself — and Only Yourself

Looking to focus more on yourself than others for a change? Here's how to get started.

12 Ways to Embrace Living Alone

Living alone can be pretty darn great if you do it right — here's how.

12 Ways to Expand Your Social Life After 50

Socializing can be good for your health. If you've retired recently, your kids have just left home, or both, here's what you can do to expand your social circle.

How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?

Drinking enough water can help increase your energy levels. Learn exactly how much water you should drink in a day and the factors that affect it.

11 Balance Exercises for Seniors

Balance exercises are an important part of staying active and healthy. They can help prevent falls and make you feel more confident in your daily life.

How Many Steps Do I Need a Day?

Do you know how many steps you average each day? If you can rattle off the answer without even checking your watch, you’re not alone. Thanks in part to fitness trackers, many of us know exactly how many steps we’re clocking each day.

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