Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

How to Survive Your Midlife Blues

Regardless of your life circumstances, happiness dips gradually through early adult life until it’s at its lowest point, right around our mid 40s to early 50s. The good news that happiness rebounds after the midlife slump. Here’s what to look forward to later in life, and how to cope in the meantime.

Midlife Crisis in Women: How to Find Your Silver Lining

Midlife crisis in women, once considered a myth, is a well-documented event for many. Research suggests that happiness follows a U curve, dipping at midlife, and increasing again as we age. Here are facts and tips to help you navigate your midlife crisis and find your happiness again.

‘I Never Thought I’d Be Caring for My Mother with Dementia,’ Plus 8…

Caregivers need care just as much as those they care for.

How Parents Can Cope with ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’

As high school graduates prepare to go off to college, experts say this new era for parents is a good time to examine self-identity and relationships.

Moving from an Empty Nest to Post-Parental Growth

Here's how to navigate empty nest syndrome, or the sadness, loneliness, and other emotional distress you may experience after your kids leave home.

Quiz: What’s Your Empty Nester Style? Healthy Ways to Make the Most of…

Becoming an empty nester can be bittersweet, but it's also your chance to seize the day and live your life on your terms.

How to Manage When Your Adult Children Are Living at Home

Living with adult children requires open communication and clear boundary setting. Here's how to manage when your kids are still living at home or come back to live with you.

11 Potential Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Pets

Pets can bring some amazing physical and mental health benefits, but whether you’ll thrive with one depends on a few important factors.

Restoring Wellness: An Interactive Roadmap for Your 40s and 50s

If you're reevaluating your purpose and goals — in work and life — here's how to position yourself for better health and wellness.

Personal Budget Tips for Mental Health: 14 Tips

How to find affordable mental health care, budget your time for more self-care, and manage your finances for lower stress.

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