Daily Living Healthy Tips

Become your best self. Discover new ways to live an inspiring life through natural beauty, nutrition and diet, an active lifestyle, and better relationships.

How Long Do Symptoms of Menopause Last?

Perimenopause begins the transition into menopause. How long symptoms last varies. When menstruation stops for 12 months, you enter menopause.

Are You Pregnant or Starting Menopause? Compare the Symptoms

Menopause and pregnancy share many similar symptoms. See which symptoms are unique to menopause and pregnancy, and which ones overlap.

Are Sore Breasts a Sign of Menopause?

Breast soreness related to perimenopause or menopause will likely differ from the soreness you may have felt at other times. Here's what to watch for.

Symptoms of Menopause from Ages 40 to 65

The transition to menopause begins and ends at different times. Your family history, personal health history, and whether you smoke can all impact the timing.

Is It Possible to Delay Menopause?

There may be a few ways to try to delay menopause, but they don't always work. For most women, menopause is determined more by genetics than lifestyle choices.

What Health Changes Should You Expect Postmenopause?

Your risk for some health conditions increases when you are postmenopausal. Learn more about your health after menopause.

How Perimenopause Can Affect Your Periods and What You Can Do

Due to fluctuating hormones, perimenopause periods may look different than your previous periods. Find out what to do (and which products can help).

Menopause Tests and Diagnosis

Most women expect menopause and recognize the symptoms when it begins. But there are also medical tests available to help confirm menopause. Learn how menopause is diagnosed.

What’s the Average Age of Menopause? Plus What to Expect When It…

The average menopause age in the United States is 51, but symptoms of menopause may start a few months or a few years before your periods fully stop. You may be able to get a better idea about when you’ll go through it by asking older women in your family when they reached menopause.

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